Chapter 40

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Madison POV
Todays Amber and Camerons big day. We were all getting Amber ready.

"Im so happy for yall!" I said, smiling really big. "Me too!" Amber said, alomost jumping out of her chair. "Amber! Stay still. Your gonna make me mess up your hair." I said, putting hairspray in her hair.

"Yes mom." Amber said, making me laugh. "All done." I said. "I love it. Thank you so much." Amber said, hugging me. "Be ready in 5." The wedding planner dude said through the door.

"I dont know if I can do this." Amber said. "Dont worry. It will be okay." I said. "But what if Cameron doesnt say I do. What if I forget my vows. What I-" I cut her off.

"Amber, its going to be okay." I said hugging her. We heard the music start to play and her dad came in. "I got to go. I love you." I said kissing her on the cheek and walking out.

Amber POV
This is it. Theres no turning back now. I can do this. I can do this.

"Ready?" My dad asked. I nodded and we locked arms, the doors opened and we started to walk down the aisle. Cameron was standing at the fron smiling big.

All of a sudden the door flung open. "Where is she!" A man yelled. "Wheres Lauren!" He yelled again. I then realized that it was Josh. Madison got mad and went over to the man.

"What do you want? Your just making this harder on yourself. Get your ass out of here now!" Madison yelled. "I want Lauren. She ruined what we had and I want her back." The man growled.

"You ruined what yall had. You did. Get out of my face right now." Madison said. "Im gonna be back! Im not gonna stop until I find her!" The man yelled and ran out.

"Oh Amber." Madison said walking over to me. Tears were falling down my face. "Im so sorry." She said hugging me. "Its not your fault." I said pulling away.

I looked at Cameron and he looked upset. All of a sudden he ran off. I went to go find him.

I found him sitting outside. "Cameron?" I asked. He turned around and he was crying. "Why are you crying?" I asked, walking closer to him. "Because I wanted this do perfect. Your amazing and you deserve to have a perfect wedding day and yoi deserve to be happy." He said.

"Cameron. You make me happy. I dont need a big wedding. I just need you." I said hugging him. "I wanted to show you how much I love you." He said. "I know that you love me. You have done so much for me already." I said.

I heard the doors open and saw Madison walked out with the preacher guy. He came over to us and we said our vows and we said I do. We exchanged rings.

"Now kiss already!" Madison yelled maiing me laugh. Before I could do anything, Cam pulled me down and kissed me.

"I love you." Cameron said pulling me back up. "I love you too." I said, hugging him.
"I love yall too!!" Madison yelled and ran over and got in the middle of us. We laughed. "Aw. Look at our little baby!" I yelled. We laughed.

Madison got out from under us and stood beside me.

"Should we tell her?" Cam asked. "Tell me what?" I asked confused. "Yeah theres something that we have to talk about. We shouldve told you sooner, but we didnt know how to." Madison said.

"Dont freak out, but" Cam started to say, but then Madison cut him off. I couldnt believe what I just heard come out of Madisons mouth.

Ha! Cliff hanger! Wassup!!

The next chapters gonna be a shocker.

Love you guys❤

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