twenty seven.

357 23 78

jade's pov

I'm starting to come to the conclusion that everyone in our group is insane. I mean, for God's sakes, we're attempting to leave this place tomorrow. As in, less than twenty-four hours. But, that doesn't seem to be bothering any of them.

The last five days that I've come to eat with them, our escape has not been mentioned once in conversation. Is it because they're not scared? Or because they're so scared that they don't even want to talk about it? I am going to assume the latter. Of course they're scared. I can't be the only one.

After my talk with Harry a few days ago, I've been trying to keep myself relaxed. It was easy, for the first ten minutes or so. But, with each moment that passes, it's proving to be more difficult. After all, every moment that goes by is just one closer to getting out. I've also tried to control my anxiety with regards to what happens after we've gotten out of here. I seem to be failing at that as well. I would like to bring it up and see if we can all figure something out as a collaborative mind, but, they don't seem to want to talk about it.

I sit quietly as the boys carry on their conversation, not bothering to actually try and pay attention. My mind is, reasonably, preoccupied with other things. I think for a while about our options after we get out of here, but, still come up with nothing. Growing frustrated, I decide that I don't wish to remain silent any longer. I clear my throat and the boys turn to look at me.

"So, what's the plan for tomorrow?" I ask bluntly and they all furrow their eyebrows at me.

"Do you need us to run through it again for you?" Harry asks. I shake my head.

"I know the plan for escaping. I'm asking what the plan is for every moment after that."

And a silence falls over the table. They all exchange uncomfortable glances, shrugging subtly at one another. Oh, how comforting. I'm the only one actually thinking ahead. Honestly, what would they do without me?

"I guess we haven't gotten that far yet." Louis says awkwardly, breaking the silence.

I widen my eyes at him. "When were you planning on figuring that out? I know Bambi said that no one will even notice we're gone. But, one day, someone will."

"We'll be long gone by the time they find out we've left." Harry says and rubs my back gently in an attempt to comfort me.

"I know, but, gone to where is my question." How are they not understanding this? "Where are we supposed to go once we've gotten out of here? The President will let everyone know we're missing and he'll have no problem providing pictures and other physical descriptions. We'll be captured before we even get the chance to enjoy our freedom."

Harry takes a deep breath in, pursing his lips in thought. "I guess, in all honesty, none of us have a clue where to go. But, anything is better than being in here. If we escape and they find us, we'll die. If we stay here, we could die too."


"Harry has a point." Liam speaks up, nodding in agreement. I'm lost. What point did he make? We're going to die either way, so, fuck it? "Both options have the potential to end badly, so, we might as well give it a try."

"You're saying we just get out and, do what? Run until we die of fatigue or waste away entirely from exhaustion?"

"It's better than staying here and turning to dust from boredom." He shrugs nonchalantly, as if what he's just said makes perfect sense. The other boys nod, following his logic.

Excuse me, but, I'm not entirely satisfied with either option. But, we don't have any other ones. I suppose Harry does have a point. We could die either way.

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