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this gif has nothing to do with the chapter i just like it


I blink my eyes a few times before opening them, pleased to see Harry sound asleep next to me. I smile, recalling the blissful events of last night. I kiss Harry's nose and he slowly wakes up.

"Good morning." He says quietly, his voice husky from sleep.

"Morning." I smile again as a random thought surfaces in my mind. "You never gave me Louis' number for Serena." I whisper and my eyes snap open. "Shit! Serena!" I exclaim and Harry's eyes widen.

I jump out of the bed, running downstairs to the living room where I left my bag. I grab it off the couch and pull my phone out. I told her I'd be home before curfew. She's probably losing her mind right now. Sure enough, I unlock my phone and have twenty three text messages and thirteen calls. All of them from Serena. Shit.

I hear Harry come down the stairs and he places his arms around my waist. I bring my phone up to my ear, forgetting to acknowledge him. Harry gently kisses the spot next to my ear, burying his face in my hair. I've never been around morning Harry. He's quite cuddly. I like it. But, it' distracting me at the moment. "What's wrong?" He whispers, his breath fanning over my ear.

"I told Serena I would be home before curfew last night and I wasn't. I didn't keep in touch with her and I have all these texts and missed calls. She probably thinks you murdered me." I say and Harry laughs, kissing my ear again.

The phone rings but she doesn't answer. Dammit Serena. I decide to leave her a voicemail, telling her that I'm safe and apologizing profusely for not calling her back sooner. I tell her I love her and hang up, turning around in Harry's arms.

"You look nice in my shirt." He smiles and I look down at myself, realizing that I don't have pants on. Harry has put on gray sweats, but wears no shirt. Probably, because it's on me.

"Thank you." I smile and take a moment to admire his tattoos. They decorate his skin so nicely. We're not allowed to get tattoos, so I've never really seen them on someone before. However, Harry pulls them off very well. I sigh and place my hands on Harry's chest. "I should probably go home. Serena is obviously worried about me." I laugh and hold up my phone.

Harry frowns and pulls me closer to him. "I don't want you to go. I don't know when I'll be able to have you alone again."

"I know." I purse my lips and shrug. "Don't worry. This isn't the last you'll see of me."I say and Harry laughs.

However, he makes a valid point. Who knows when our next opportunity to be together will come. It could be ages away. It's very disconcerting. Maybe we'll have to meet at my house more often since Serena already knows about Harry and I.

I follow Harry back upstairs and start picking my clothing up off the ground. I pause for a moment, hearing something from downstairs. I glance around Harry's room and he stares at me, puzzled.

"I thought I heard something. Sorry."

"Something like what?"

"I'm not sure. Almost like-" I begin to say and freeze, hearing it again. "Shit." I whisper, running over to Harry's window. I pull back the curtains just enough to peek outside. My worst nightmare is confirmed. The sound I heard was the jostling of keys. Mason's keys. "Harry, Mason is here. He's downstairs."

I turn around and Harry has paled, freezing where he stands. "Shit." He whispers.

I bring my hands up to my hair in frustration and curse under my breath. "This was a bad idea. I shouldn't have come." I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut. Harry grabs my hands and pulls them off of my hair. I open my eyes slowly and find him staring at me.

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