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i don't normally listen to music while i write because it distracts me. but, "chains" by nick jonas really helped me write this chapter and if you haven't heard it, i recommend it haha.

carry on.


I pull my hair into a ponytail as the phone begins to ring. I ignore it, expecting Serena to get it, but she calls to me from her room.

"Jade! Could you get that! I'm a little busy!" She yells and I roll my eyes. What could she possibly be doing?

I walk out to the kitchen in my bare feet, feeling the cold tile against my toes. I reach for the phone and hold it up to my ear. "Hello, this is Jade." I say.

"Hi, Jade. It's me." I hear Harry's voice and my heart jumps, immediately thinking back to my last encounter with him a couple days ago. I haven't stopped thinking about it since then. I told Serena about it and she was practically bursting at the seams with excitement. I, however, have been quite sexually oppressed since Harry and I stopped before the real fun began.

I cough awkwardly, realizing that I'm on the phone. "Oh, hi. Did you need something?"

"No. I just want to see you." He says lowly and my heart warms. How could someone want to be around me by choice? I don't understand it.

"What about Mason? You know that he's the only reason I haven't come to see you the last few days."

I hear Harry laugh quietly. "He's not here. That's why I called you. He'll be out until tomorrow night. He's going to some kind of therapy retreat for Partners that want to treat their Partners better." He says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Those exist?"

"I guess so." Harry laughs. "It looks like you're not the only one that's stuck with a loaf of bread for a Partner."

"Huh." I say and place my hand on my hip. "So, Mason will be gone? All night?"

"Aaaaall night." Harry says, dragging on the a.

I bite my lip as erotic thoughts surface in my mind. "I dare assume that you are hoping to continue our lascivious encounter from a few days ago." I say and Harry laughs on the other end.

"Among other things, Jade. Among other things." He says and I smile at the fact that sex isn't the first thing on his mind. Finally, someone that has their priorities straight.

"So, you want me to come over?"

"Only if you want to. I just want to talk and eat food and have a good time. You know, normal people things."

My heart warms and I smile. "That sounds really nice, Harry." I say softly. I'll admit, I'm a bit confused. Mason has caused me to expect the worst from men, but Harry is so different. I love it.

"You can come over whenever you're ready."

I nod, even though he can't see me. "Okay. I'll be over soon."

I say goodbye and hang up, but I don't move. I can't believe this. This couldn't have worked out any better. I don't know what's going to happen tonight, but I really don't care. I'll be with Harry and that makes my heart happy.

I take my time in the shower, making sure to shave...everything. I wash my hair quickly and get out, drying myself off with a towel. Serena offers to help me get dressed, but I politely decline. She has a tendency to overdo it and this is a casual occasion. I think. I settle for jeans and a sweatshirt, leaving my hair down so it will dry faster.

"Okay, I'm heading out!" I yell to Serena from the kitchen, grabbing my keys off the counter and slinging my bag over my shoulder.

Serena comes running down the hallway and lunges at me, attacking me in a hug. I stumble backwards, but hug her back. "I love you, beautiful. Be safe." She says and I smile, patting her back.

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