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this gif kills me. jesus, she's so hot. harry is so lucky.


harry's pov

I woke up within the dark confines of a prisoner's cell. I had sat up on the bed, composed of a stiff mattress and a hard pillow, and noticed that I was not alone in this room. Across from me, Louis was completely knocked out, lying on a bed of his own.

It's been at least an hour since I've woken up. Louis is still asleep. I wonder how much longer he has until his sedative wears off.

I can't believe he betrayed Jade and I. I want to be mad, but I can't. I know he did the right thing by Serena. Jade and I were being reckless. We knew that getting caught was inevitable, but continued to see each other anyway.

I hear a loud sound echo down the hallway and I turn to face the door. The creak of a large door swinging open on its hinges could be heard from a mile away. It's followed by the jostling of handcuffs around someone's wrists. They're struggling to get away from whoever is holding them. But, why? Don't they know it's pointless?

And then, the worst sound I could ever hear.

"Don't touch me!" A voice yells. Jade's voice. "Let go! That hurts!"

I'm off the bed in a second, running towards the door. I look through the small barred window on the door, gazing down the hallway. My nightmare is confirmed.

I watch as Jade is dragged down the hallway by the Adella, making their way towards me. I firmly grasp the bars in the window as they approach, trying to make myself visible.

"Jade!" I yell. She looks up, immediately locking eyes with me.

She looks relieved and tries even harder to get away. "Harry!" She yells back.

"Shut up! Both of you!" The Adella says annoyed, pulling her further away from me.

"I'm sorry, Jade." I say and my voice cracks. God, I'm so close, but so far away.

I don't blame Louis for this. I blame myself. I knew Jade was too good for me. I knew she was out of my reach, and I went for her anyway. From the moment I first laid eyes on her, I wanted her. I never imagined how difficult it would be to actually have her.

I remember the moment so vividly. Then again, how could I forget. The very first moment I saw her, I knew she'd done something to me. Something to my heart. I was overwhelmed with feelings I'd never experienced before her, but I didn't know how to explain them. I remember thinking to myself, What's happening? I've never met this girl? Why do I feel this way?

To this day, I still can't explain what happened inside of me. I just felt that I was meant to have her. But, of course, I couldn't tell her that. She had a partner. She had a life. She was normal. What would a girl like that ever want to do with me? But, as it turns out, she wanted everything to do with me. I still don't understand how it's possible. I don't understand what she sees in me, but I'm glad she saw something.

When she first kissed me, everything within me felt at balance. If felt as though all my life I had been missing something. Something crucial to my purpose in life. And it was her. She kissed me, by her own will. She wanted me and I wanted her and everything just felt right.

But, we never get to keep what makes us happy, do we? Our happiness is always stolen from us. I knew I could never be with her the way that I wanted, but I constantly chose to ignore that fact. Look where it's gotten us.

We've both come so far. We've made sacrifices. And it was all for nothing.

I snap back to present time, having reminisced all of these instances within a matter of seconds. Jade passes by my window, looking down at her feet. She's not struggling anymore. Her shoulders shake softly and her chest heaves up and down. Is she crying? A sob escapes from her beautiful lips, and my sad assumption is confirmed.

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