Chapter 188

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Todrick was trying to help Avi limp across the beach, but was struggling significantly.

Kirstie was almost in tears as she walked alongside them.

Scott came running over to them, Kevin and Mitch behind him.

Todrick moved away, and Scott instantly scooped Avi up in his arms. "What happened, Av?"

Avi grabbed fistfuls of Scott's shirt out of fear. "Jesus, Rookie."

"Oh calm down. I'm not going to drop you."

Kevin stayed close to Scott's side, trying to look at Avi's foot. "He stepped on glass."

Scott cringed while he walked. "Gross. That probably hurt."

Avi kept a tight hold on Scott. "Yeah, I guess."

Todrick was walking in front of them, trying to offer anything useful. "I don't want it to get infected. I can pull it out for you when we get back to the room if you want. I know I've got a pair of tweezers somewhere."

Scott glanced behind him to make sure Mitch was still there, which he was.

Kirstie was on the other side of Scott, just trying to stay near Avi.

Scott turned back around. "Mitch, please walk in front of me."

Mitch nodded and walked up to be beside Todrick. "Why? Is something wrong?"

"I just want to make sure I know where you are."

Mitch nodded and waved back at an Alpha who sent him a wave.

Avi hissed suddenly, and Scott looked over to see Kevin poking at Avi's foot.

Kevin pulled away quickly. "Oh! Sorry. Sorry."

Scott carried Avi across the parking lot, no one saying a word.

The front desk lady gave them an odd look when they walked inside the hotel, but Todrick explained it to her as the others climbed into the elevator.

Avi cringed every now and then, making Scott's heart hurt a little.

Poor guy.

Once the elevator arrived at their floor, Todrick handed Kirstie the key and told her to run and open the door.

Scott followed all of them, frowning when Avi cringed again.

He kissed Avi's forehead for a second. "I'm sorry you're hurt..."

"You don't have to be nice to me. I'm fine."

Scott just shook his head at him and carried him inside the room.

Scott carefully lay Avi down on the couch in the middle of the room, Todrick already coming out of the hallway with tweezers.

Kevin propped Avi's foot up on the armrest of the couch, taking the tweezers from his fellow Beta, and getting right to work.

Kirstie dropped to her knees in front of where Avi's head was on the couch.

She grabbed his hand. "Just squeeze my hand if it hurts, okay?"

Avi smiled at her, knowing it wouldn't hurt that bad. But still in adoration of the kind gesture. "Okay, Princess."

Scott tried to stay out of their way, Mitch clinging to his arm.

Todrick loomed over Kevin's shoulder as he carefully tugged a little on the glass with his tweezers.

Avi flinched, but otherwise didn't react.

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