Chapter 25

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When Scott walked back into his bedroom, Mitch was sitting Indian style on the edge of the bed, facing the door.

Scott closed the door, and sat down next to him with a blank look on his face.

He just couldn't even begin to process what was going on.

His own boss told him that he has more strength than he does in a specific situation.

But Avi was chosen to be his superior based on strength, so how could this be?

Mitch turned himself so that he was sitting in the same way, but facing Scott rather than the door.

Mitch put his hand on one of Scott's legs. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Scott shrugged, and continued to stare at the wall in front of him. "He.. He thinks I might be stronger than he is."

"Based on the depth of your Mark?"

Scott shook his head slowly, as if while explaining this, he was still just as confused as who he was explaining it to. "Based on other things.. Mostly you."

Mitch pulled his hand back from Scott's thigh. "Me? H-how..?"

Scott kept staring blankly, but reached a hand out to hold Mitch's tiny hand. "You didn't do anything wrong, sweetheart. You.. Just pull out a side of me that competes with our alpha's power."

"I don't understand."

Scott finally turned to acknowledge him, and noticed that he looked afraid.

Terrified almost.

Scott rubbed circles into Mitch's hand with his thumb. "When you're in trouble, or need me to protect you.. The protective side of me appears to be stronger than Avi. That's all."

Mitch stared at their intertwined hands. "Oh.. That's actually kind of cool."

Scott allowed himself a small smile. "Oh really? How's that?"

Mitch met his eyes and smiled too. "You're stronger than The Alpha."


Mitch kept smiling at looked back down at their hands. "You must be crazy strong then."

Scott smiled wider. "Only for you."


Scott was now sitting on the couch with Avi, as they made an important phone call regarding The Pack Inspector.

The phone was on speaker, and sitting on the couch between the two alphas.

Avi nodded at the information they were giving. "So he'll be around sometime tomorrow?"

"Sometime this week." Came through the phone.

Avi glanced at Scott, before looking back at the phone. "But we don't know when?"

"No. Probably near the end of the week."

Scott sighed and then took a deep breath.

Instantly he smelled it.

Mitch was in pain, and he was afraid.

Scott squinted in confusion. Mitch was at home.. He was literally down the hall, how could he be either of those things?

When Scott focused back in on Avi, he was hanging up the phone.

Avi looked at him with concern. "Everything alright?"

Scott nodded and slowly stood up. "I just need to go check on Mitch."

"Alright. Tell him about the Inspector for me, would you?"

Scott nodded again and started to walk down the hall.

He didn't even bother knocking on the door, Scott just walked right on in.

The moment he took a step in the room, he heard a small scream.

His head snapped up to see Mitch wrapped up in the covers with one of their laptops in front of him.

Mitch paused whatever he was watching, and looked up at Scott with a hand over his chest. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Scott walked in further, and leaned over the side of the bed to see what Mitch was looking at.

Scott sighed and stood up straight. "You know you can't watch horror movies, Mitchie. You won't be able to fall asleep."

Mitch looked down at his lap. "I know.. But with you being all 'big bad alpha', I just wanted to try it out. I'm tired of being afraid of them."

Scott sighed and closed the laptop, before setting it on the bedside table. "You don't have to change just because I'm getting stronger, love. If you want to watch them, at least wait for me so you won't be as afraid."

Mitch nodded. "Okay. I'm sorry Alpha."

"Don't be."

Scott smiled when Mitch smiled at him.

Scott remembered that he earlier smelled pain, and asked about it.

Mitch blushed. "I jumped so bad at one part, that I kicked the laptop and hurt my toe."

Scott bit his lip to stop himself from laughing, but Mitch noticed and told him he could laugh.

Scott started at a small chuckle, and then completely lost it at the thought.


Later that night, Scott laid with his back resting on the headboard, and Mitch sat on his lap, holding the laptop.

Scott had his arms wrapped around Mitch's stomach, and his head resting on Mitch's shoulder.

Every time something scary would happen, Mitch would jump and scold himself while Scott would chuckle a little.

At one point during the movie, Kevin threw the door open and scared the shit out of Mitch, causing him to actually scream.

Scott let his hands roam from Mitch's stomach to his thighs as he watched the horror film.

When it ended, Scott slowly closed the laptop. He kept looking over Mitch's shoulder, but began to kiss up Mitch's neck. "Well? How was it?"

Mitch shrugged. "Alright I guess. I don't think I like scary movies. But you like them, right?"

Scott kissed Mitch's neck again. "If I tell you yes, that doesn't mean you have to like them. You understand?"

Mitch nods and leans his head against Scott's. "I want to like them too."

"You can't force yourself to like something. Especially if it scares you."

Mitch lifted his head off of Scott's, causing Scott to look up at him.

Mitch stared at him for a second. "Sir. Can you watch these movies with me more often? I'll jump less, I promise."

Scott nodded. "Sure, I guess. I think that would be fun."


And that night, when they went to bed, Mitch really did have a hard time falling asleep.

But of course Scott was there to coax him to sleep.

And when Mitch woke up from a nightmare, Scott woke up to lull him back to sleep.

However, Mitch was still very excited to get back to watching horror movies.


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