Chapter 174

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Who's ready for out first guest of honor??

A bunch of y'all wanted him to make an appearance, so here he is.


And also, the ending of the Superfruit episode..

Gah. My heart.

I must've watched it six times, not gonna lie. Haha




When the pack arrived at the restaurant of Scott's choice, some Italian place, Kirstie and Mitch hadn't shared a single word.

Kevin lead them into the restaurant. "I love this place."

Scott gave him a nod and put an arm over Mitch's shoulder, Mitch holding his hand afterwards.

Kirstie followed behind Kevin excitedly, grabbing Avi's hand to pull him along.

Avi frowned at her. "You really think I'm ignoring you?"

She turned a little and shook her head. "No. I just... I think that you've been busy. And I'm just.. Not one of your first priorities."

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but it is untrue."

"Do you love me more than the other people in this pack?" Kirstie asked quietly.

"Of course I do. Things are going to change, Kit Kat. I promise you."


Dinner went a lot better than Kevin thought.

Everyone appeared to be getting along.

Kirstin and Mitch were even laughing about something when they walked outside the restaurant.

It was still light outside, but the sun was going to set any minute.

Scott was chatting with Kevin about something, when Avi stopped walking.

Kevin turned his head, although Scott was still speaking.

Kirstie turned around then. "Alpha? Is everything okay?"

Avi tilted his head at a car in the parking lot. "Scott, come here."

Scott instantly moved to his side, the other three just standing behind them.

Avi pointed at the car he was staring at. "That black car. Do you smell what I smell?"

Scott really tried to think. Taking a deep breath, he frowned. "Smells like.. An Omega. An Omega that's... Crying?"

Avi nodded. "Mhmm. Come with me."

Scott followed Avi over to the side of the car, the other pack members hesitantly following.

Avi looked through a window of the car, seeing an Omega sobbing in the backseat. "Hello there, honey. Why are you crying? Where's your Alpha?" He asked gently.

The Omega just hiccuped a couple of times, and then continued to sob.

Scott hated the sound, and wanted nothing more than to make the poor thing stop.

He leaned in the drivers side window, seeing the Omega stuck in a child's car seat.

The Omega was a little bigger than Mitch, but still didn't look comfortable in the small chair.

Scott reached a hand towards the back of the car. "Don't cry, love. Just tell me what's wrong, and we will try to fix it."

The small boy shook his head. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry.. My Alpha went inside the restaurant... Told me to wait here. But he forgot to unbuckle me.. I guess?"

Scott immediately noticed the Australian accent. "That's okay. Calm down, Sweetie. Can you not unbuckle it yourself?"

"I tried. It's stuck." He said sadly, starting to cry again.

Mitch grabbed Kevin's hand, feeling terrible for the Omega stuck in the car.

Scott nodded and looked at Avi, who motioned towards the window.

Scott looked back inside the car, and met the Omegas watery eyes. "What's your name, love?"


"Troye. What a perfect name. Now, Troye. I need you to stay calm. Okay? Can you do that for me?" Scott asked kindly.

Upon Troye's nod, Scott grabbed the top of the car to lift his body up, and swung his legs inside the driver's side of the car.

Avi put a hand on his back just in case, but Scott didn't need it.

Scott fit himself in the car and then started to climb into the back seat.

Kevin raised his hand a little. "Alpha? Sir? Can't you just unlock the car from the inside?"

Avi turned to face him. "Yes, you could. But the alarm will go off, because it was locked from the outside. Yes? And that will send the Alpha out here."

Kevin nodded slowly. "Okay... You don't want him out here?"

"Well if he's going to treat his Omega this way.. I'm not sure I want to meet him. We might need to call the police to get this Omega removed from this pack." Avi said, turning to face the car again.

Scott was now sitting beside the car seat, undoing the seatbelt.

The Omega continued to cry though.

Scott tried to quiet him, eyes on the seatbelt. "Hush, Sweetie. Everything is going to be okay."

Troye nodded, sniffling a few times. "Thank you.. For helping me."

"Of course. You didn't deserve to be left in a hot car all alone, love."

Scott finally got the seatbelt completely off of the Omega, starting to crawl back over the seat to help Troye climb over too.

Avi was watching Scott swing himself out of the car, when he heard an Alpha come up behind him. "Um, excuse me? What are you doing to my car?"

Kevin tugged Mitch and Kirstie out of his way as he approached Avi.

Avi just shook his head. "You left him all alone in there. You give us a bad name."

The Alpha shook his head. "What? You mean Troye? He's fine."

Scott's feet hit the ground and then he turned around to glare at the Alpha. "Could you unlock your car please?"

Once Scott was able to open the door, he reached out a hand to help Troye climb off the seat.

Troye instantly gave Scott a huge hug. "Thank you so much, Alpha."

His Alpha growled at them when Scott hugged back. "Get your hands off of my Omega."

Avi growled right back. "He isn't yours anymore. How could you be so careless?"

"You can't take him away from me. It was just a mistake!"

Avi shook his head at him. "No. You could've killed him. First of all, what if the car got too hot? Second, what if I hadn't smelled him, and an Alpha took him? What if an Omega Snatcher took him? No exceptions."

Kevin smiled a little. "I know the perfect pack for him."

The unhappy Alpha turned towards him. "Oh yeah? And who's that?"

"I need to call the Oakley pack."


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