Chapter 117

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Avi lead the three Omegas into his room, and closed the door behind them.

Kirstin slipped into one of Avi's shirts that draped down past her waist.

Avi laid on the bed in only his boxers, and waved all of them over. "Come here, my little babies."

Scott rolled his eyes, and then his gaze met Mitch's.

Mitch tried to smile at him, but Scott knew it was forced.

Mitch had his arms wrapped around his mid-section, and Scott gave him a confused once over. "What's wrong, Sweetpea?"

Mitch shook his head. "It's nothing. Just.. It's nothing."

Scott gave him a hug once he noticed his little arms around himself. "Not again, Angel. You're gorgeous."

Avi sat up a little and leaned on his elbows. "What's up, Mitchell? What's wrong?"

Scott pulled away, and picked his own shirt up off the floor.

Mitch slipped it on and gave Avi a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Sir. Sorry to, um.. Sorry."

Scott scanned Mitch's body again, smiling at the sight of his T-shirt stopping halfway down Mitch's thighs.

Avi laid back down and opened his arms up. "Come here, my little ducklings."

Scott laid beside him, and pulled Mitch into the bed.

Avi laid on his back, Kirstin tucked into his side.

He kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, Princess."


Scott pressed his front to Mitch's back, draping his arm over Mitch's slim waist.

Mitch fell asleep quickly, and judging by Kirstin's deep breathing, she did too.

Avi stared at the ceiling, sleep refusing to overcome him. "Scott?" He whispered.


Avi took a minute to choose his words carefully. "I..I want to tell you that I'm sorry I have to treat you this way. This is the only way I think I can help you get better, get you to take better care of yourself. I understand that you were just taking care of your Omega.. But you can't forget about yourself."

Scott stayed silent.

Avi turned to look at him. "You okay?"

Scott looked over his shoulder for a second. "Yeah. It's fine. At least now you can take your anger out on me."

Avi smacked his shoulder playfully, but Scott jumped. "Jesus, Avi."

Avi cringed once the realization hit. "Oh! I'm sorry, Rookie. I completely forgot about your shoulder. Another reason for someone to take care of you."

"I can take care of myself."

"Sure you can. Actually.. Maybe I should start giving you your rules." Avi said thoughtfully.

Scott turned a little more to stare at him. "More rules?! I haven't even learned the basic Omega ones yet."

"You can handle it, calm down. We'll call them.. 'The Rules of Self Care'. I can give them to you as they pop into my brain. Rule number one; if it feels wrong, don't do it." Avi said with a smile.

"What does that mean?"

"You'll figure it out. Goodnight, Rookie."

"Goodnight, Varsity."

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