Chapter 34

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I kind of want to double update.




Kevin was smiling impossibly wide at how well this was going. "Good! Good! Anything else? About anybody?"

Mitch raised his hand with an, "ooh! Ooh! I have one! I am obsessed with the color of Avi's eyes. It's a gorgeous color!"

Kirstin squealed and nodded, looking over at Mitch on the couch. "I know! Oh my gosh, isn't it lovely?"

Scott glanced over at Avi with a smirk. Although it was a little dark, this was probably the first time Scott had ever seen Avi blush.


Scott put his arm over Mitch's shoulders yet again.

Kevin laughed. "This is fun! Oh Jesus, Scott watch your arm, there's a candle there!"

Scott pulled his arm back, and checked behind him.

Sure enough, there was a candle waiting to burn his arm directly behind the couch.

No wonder he could see Mitch so well.

Scott looked back at Kevin. "I think Kevin is a genius. Like a full on, Einstein, genius."

Kevin blushed a little. "Thank you. That's very sweet."

Mitch 'awwed' and then added in,"and he's so polite! It's amazing."

Kevin smiled even wider. "God bless you guys. You're so nice."

Avi grinned at him, and then decided to contribute to the conversation. "I like Kirstin's hair."

Mitch gasped. "Me too! It's flawless! And she is so, SO beautiful."

Scott kissed the spot behind Mitch's ear. "She's also very caring of everyone. She's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside."

Kirstie absolutely beamed. "Aww. I like this game."

They all chuckled a little, until Kevin turned towards Mitch. "Can't forget about little Mitchie. I love that you're always willing to help anyone."

Mitch sunk back in his chair and tried to hide his face in Scott's chest.

Avi's low voice rumbled, "I really like that he is always there to listen. Mitchell is always there for everyone."

Kirstin raised her hand quickly to interject. "And he is so humble about everything! He always cherishes every compliment, and blushes every time we call him a positive name."

Scott chuckled as Mitch burrowed himself further into Scott's chest. "Mitch is astoundingly beautiful."

"Sir... Stahhhp.."

Kevin smiled. "He has gorgeous eyes."

Kirstin smiled as she caught on. "He's so adorable!"

Avi shook his head fondly at them. "Mitchell also has a heart of gold."

Kirstin jumped in again. "And a pretty smile! And fabulous hair!"

Scott pushed Mitch away gently, only to reveal Mitch's beet red face.

He tried to cover it with his hands, but Scott carefully pulled them away. "Don't be embarrassed. It's all true, love."

Mitch couldn't stop smiling. "You guys are so sweet, knock it off. My face couldn't get any more red, and red is so not my color."

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