Chapter 97

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"We ready to go?" Avi called down the hall to Scott and Mitch.

Scott emerged from his bedroom, Mitch trailing behind.

As soon as Avi saw Mitch in skinny jeans and one of Scott's giant shirts, he sighed. "Scott. Why?"

Scott followed his line of sight and looked at Mitch's clothes. "Alphas are going to be there. No one will bother an Omega that smells like his Alpha."

Avi shook his head. "Whatever. Never mind."

Mitch pouted at him. "I thought I looked cute."

Avi laughed a little. "You look adorable. That's not my point."

Scott glared at him. "What is your point then?"

"Scott. Dear. Your 'protective' is showing." Avi said condescendingly.

Scott gave him a fake smile. "Hah. Hah. Very funny. I think I have every right to be protective of him. He's going to be the only Omega in a room full of large Alphas. Thought you'd be proud of my decision."

Avi shrugged. "I just think you need to loosen up, is all. Doesn't matter. Let's just go."

Scott followed him as he walked out, Mitch trailing behind.


After walking to the media center, Avi turned to face Mitch just before they entered. "Omega. If you get freaked out, uncomfortable or just don't want to be in here anymore, I need you to tell one of us. Understood? And don't you dare try lying to me about it. Scott will be able to smell it."

Mitch nodded. "Of course, Sir."

Avi then walked in, Scott grabbing Mitch's hand before doing the same.

Several Alphas were filing in the building, Travis in the front of the room.

Scott glanced around at them with a hard stare.

All Lead Alphas. No second in commands like Scott.

But he had a reason to be there.

Scott followed Avi through the crowd to find Travis.

He pulled Mitch close to his body. "Stay close, Darling."

Mitch worriedly grabbed a fistful of the back of Scott's shirt as they walked up towards the front of the room.

Avi found Travis and shook his hand before striking up a small conversation. "Why exactly do you need Mitchell?"

Travis smiled as Mitch came up behind Scott to smile at him.

Travis then turned back to Avi. "His sense of smell could be our best bet at getting through to The Counsel."

Scott leaned in to listen closer. "What's the plan exactly? Break into The Counsel and kill a bunch of Alphas? Then go home?"

Travis winked at him. "Something like that."

Scott opened his mouth to say something back, but Travis cleared his throat and began talking to the room full of Alphas.

Mitch's skin was practically humming at the amount of power in that single room.

The strongest Alpha of every pack in the area took up the space in front of Travis.

All looking intimidating as hell, if you ask Mitch.

They all sat down in their selective chairs, Avi in the front row, while Scott stood with Mitch against the side wall of the room.

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