Chapter 145

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Scott woke up slowly, holding Mitch close as he jumped awake too.

Mitch instantly stared at him. "Oh no."

"What? What's wrong?"

Mitch sat up quickly and jumped out of the bed. "Today came too soon. I don't want it to start yet."

Kevin sat up and stretched his arms. "Calm down, Mitchie. You're an amazing Omega."

Mitch started pacing beside the bed, chewing on one of his nails.

Scott sighed and stood up. "Mitchell Grassi, I know you're not biting your nails. Because you know that makes me mad."

Mitch instantly dropped his hand from his mouth. "I'm sorry. What if I can't do it? What if I screw up again?"

Scott hugged Mitch, and didn't let go. "You won't screw up. You're the most well behaved Omega I've ever met. You can do this, Sweetpea. Kev, come here."

Kevin hesitantly stood up.

Mitch tightened his arms around Scott when the Alpha kissed the top of Mitch's head.

Kevin walked over and stood behind him.

Scott opened one of his arms. "Gimme a hug, Genius. Tell Mitch how good he's gonna be today."

Kevin stood next to Scott and let him wrap an arm around his shoulders.

Kevin smiled at Mitch. "You're going to do just fine. You know how to be the ideal Omega. You have all the training and the perfect mindset."

Mitch sighed, seemingly calm for a second.

But suddenly, he pushed them both away. "I.. I have to get ready. I have to look good today..."

Kevin smiled at him and Scott kissed Mitch's forehead. "You always look good. You're beautiful, remember?"

"I'm beautiful." Mitch repeated.

Mitch took about a half hour to get ready, showering and putting on some lazy clothes, so that Scott could pick his outfit out for him.

Kevin left to make breakfast, and Scott helped Mitch do his hair.

Mitch frowned when Scott was finished.

"What's wrong, Muffin?"

Mitch sighed. "I have to get Kirstie to do my make-up now."

"Make-up? What? Why?" Scott asked loudly.

"Just a few touch up things. Omegas have to look their best every day."

Scott frowned and hugged Mitch again. "I hate this. You're always beautiful. I don't want you to have to remember how you acted in that house.."

"I'm sorry, Sir. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget... Can I go get Kirstin?" Mitch asked quietly.

Scott shook his head. "We'll both go. Then she can just do it in her room."

Mitch decided not to argue, trying to slowly get into his old mindset.

Scott came into Avi and Kirstin's room, hoping they were both awake.

Scott waved at Avi for a second. "Mitchie needs Kirstie to do his touch up stuff. Make-up, or whatever. And Avi? I was hoping you could help me pick out an outfit for him. Something your dad will approve of."

Avi nodded and walked out the door, while Kirstin grabbed Mitch's hand to pull him into the bathroom where her make-up was.

Kirstie put on a little foundation and then some mascara, but nothing too extensive.

She smiled when she was done. "You look fantastic. Not that you don't usually, I just mean.. You look nice. But again, you always look nice.."

Mitch giggled. "Thank you. And thank you for doing this. My face says thank you."

Her smile faltered a second. "No it doesn't, honey. Your face is perfect all on its own. Alphas are stupid if they like this stuff. Scott doesn't make you wear it. Neither does Avi. That should tell you something."

Mitch smiled. "I know.. But it's just for today. I look okay, right?"

Kirstie grabbed both of his hands. "Adorable. As usual. But maybe you should put some actual clothes on.."

Mitch giggled. "I know. The Alphas are getting some."

Just then, Scott walked in holding a few clothing items.

He waved Mitch over, and thanked Kirstin.

Scott stared at Mitch's face when he got close enough.

Scott ran a thumb over one of Mitch's sharp cheekbones.

Mitch stared into his eyes. "Does it look bad?"

Scott just smiled kindly. "It looks lovely. I like your normal face better, of course. But this isn't half bad."

Mitch smiled at him. "That's nice of you to say."

Avi came in the room behind Scott, and handed Mitch some fresh underwear. "Scott forgot to grab these."

Mitch blushed when he grabbed them. "Thank you.."

Avi smiled. "Someone's embarrassed. But gosh, Mitchie. It's been a while since you wore make-up."

Mitch frowned. "They said it was cute..."

He smiled and gave Mitch a little sideways hug before walking over to Kirstie. "It does look cute, Peanut. It does."

Mitch looked at the underwear in his hands, and then back up at everyone staring at him. "Are.. Are you guys going to watch me..?"

Kirstin giggled and covered her eyes with one hand.

Avi just smirked at Mitch. "You're in my room, Pet."

Mitch frowned. "But I--"

There was a knock at the door.

Avi's father's voice came through the door. "Is that Omega in there? I'd like to start before noon."

Mitch's eyes widened, and Scott grabbed the clothes on the bed before pushing Mitch into the bathroom.

"Avriel, I'm serious. I know you're in there."

Avi looked at Kirstin and pushed her into the bathroom too. He quickly yelled, "just one second!"

Scott shielded Mitch's body from the others as he helped him change his underwear.

Scott then helped Mitch change his pants and Kirstie rushed to switch Mitch's shirt.

As soon as Scott was done, Avi picked Mitch up and set him on the counter to put socks on his feet.

Kirstin tied one of the shoes, while Avi hurried to tie the other.

Scott put Mitch back on the ground and pushed him towards the door.

Avi opened the door and waved at his father. "He's here. It's good."

Mitch walked past him, and Avi quickly ran a hand through Mitch's hair to settle it back down after rushing him around.

Mitch turned around one more time. "Thank you guys.."

He turned towards Avi'a dad. "I'm ready to go, Sir. What do you have planned for today?"

"Let's start small. Maybe we can break out the Omega book.."

Scott exhaled loudly behind Mitch. "Oh, Jesus."


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