Chapter 96

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Kind of a filler, but also VERY important!

I just wanted to take a second to tell y'all that I seriously LIVE for your comments.

I read every single one of them, and y'all are just friggin' HILARIOUS!

Makes my day, really.

Love you guys!!


Kevin offered to clean up after breakfast, and Avi instructed Kirstin to help him.

Avi directed Scott and Mitch into their bedroom, and closed the door behind them.

Scott sat down next to Mitch on the edge of the bed, Avi standing in front of them, arms crossed.

Scott waited a couple seconds, before raising an eyebrow. "What do you need, Sir?"

Avi looked between them for a second. "I have a couple of questions. First one's for Mitchell, but I figured you wouldn't let me talk to him alone."

Scott smirked. "You'd be correct about that."

Avi waved him off. "Mitchell. You're still taking suppressants, right?"

Mitch nodded.

Avi tilted his head. "What was that?"

Mitch sat up straight. "Yes, Sir."

Avi nodded once. "Good. That's what I thought. I know it's awful, and I'm sorry. But I beg that you don't stop taking them until after we get back home and figure all this Counsel business out. Okay? Is that okay?"

Scott clenched his teeth, when Mitch replied again, "yes, Sir."

Avi smiled sympathetically at him, and then turned to Scott. "Something wrong?"

Scott shook his head and looked away.

Avi squinted at him. "You're not going to tell me?"

"You know damn well what's wrong." Scott snapped, facing him.

"Don't curse in the presence-"

"Don't tell me what to do! This is my Omega. Not yours. He's in your pack, but he belongs to me. It should be up to me whether or not he takes his suppressants or not. Not you." Scott shouted.

Mitch cowered in fear beside him at his angry tone.

Avi put his hands on his hips. "Do you know who you're talking to?! What's the matter with you?!"

Scott stood and poked Avi's chest harshly. "You! You are my problem! You are everything that is wrong!"

Avi looked baffled. "How?! How is it my fault that you're too far gone to make rational decisions for your Omega?!"

Scott pushed on Avi's chest a little. "I'm not! How would you know anyway?! You never give me a chance to show you! You just take all control and assume your way is better than mine!"

Avi's eyes slowly started to fill in a red color. "That's why I'm in charge, you ignorant asshole. My way is better than yours. It's not my fault he's a fucking number eight."

Scott shook his head and let out a frustrated sigh. "You couldn't understand how I feel."

Avi set his hands on Scott's shoulders. "Then tell me! Don't scream at me so you'll feel better. Just talk to me, Rookie."

Scott bowed his head and sat in silence for a second. "I feel like I'm not an Alpha."

Avi answered just as quietly. "Why not?"

"Because you take any control I have away from me. I have to check my decisions with you. I have to take my problems to you. You even decide how I take care of my Omega. I have just as little power as Kevin. Just without the brain." Scott explained.

Avi's eyes faded back to their default color. "All you had to do was tell me. You are an Alpha. One of the strongest in the country. There are Alphas above you, and even Alphas above me. They make my decisions, and I make yours. That's just the way it goes. You feel powerless. And I know exactly how it feels. So next time, instead of screaming at me, just tell me. We're more alike than you think."

Scott was staring at him now.

After about a minute of staring, the two Alphas hugged, and Scott apologized several times. "I guess I just assumed you hated me."

Avi moved away from him. "Why would I hate you?"

Scott shrugged and looked at his feet. "I don't know.. Because I'm next in line? Our power is so alike.. It just makes us argue, I guess."

Avi frowned. "Well it shouldn't. An Omega that is actually very important to me, told me that. We're both strong, but arguing makes us just that much more weak. If we'd stick together, we could be one of the strongest forces this area's ever seen."

Mitch smiled, knowing Avi was talking about him and what he'd told him.

Scott slowly backed up and sat down on the bed again, running his hands over his face before clasping them together in front of him. "Fine. You're right. So let's not argue."

Mitch leaned into Scott, who instantly put an arm around him. As he spoke to him, his tone softened incredibly. "What's wrong, Sweetheart?"

Mitch closed his eyes and sighed. "Nothing, Sir. It would just be really nice to see you two get along."

Avi met Scott's eyes as Scott replied. "Yeah.. Yeah it would, baby."


Avi led the couple out into the living room, and Kevin was pacing at the front of the hall.

Avi pushed past him and smiled at Kirstin before facing him. "What's up, Kev?"

Scott pulled Mitch past them, and sat on the couch beside Kirstie.

Kevin had a stressed expression on his face. "There's another meeting for Alphas today, regarding going home. The only thing is.. Travis has personally requested that Mitch attend."

Avi furrowed his eyebrows. "Mitchell? Why?"

"Sir, I believe it is because of his extraordinary sense of smell. I think they're going to use it to help us defeat the Counsel."

Avi looked at him like he was crazy. "Defeat the Counsel? It's not possible, is it?"

Kevin shrugged. "I guess that's what you're going to find out, Alpha."

Avi shrugged and turned to Scott. "Is that okay? If Mitchell goes to the meeting?"

Scott looked at him incredulously.

He's asking me?

Scott blinked and then looked at Mitch. "Yeah. It's fine. But if it starts to freak him out, I'm taking him straight home."

Avi nodded. "I understand. Okay. Cool. When is it, Kevin?"

Kevin briefly glanced at the clock on the wall. "Couple of hours. Oh, and tomorrow morning there's going to be an Omega inspection, conducted by Travis. He said he just wants to make sure all the Omegas are healthy and happy. You know how it goes."

Avi nodded again. "Okay. Where did you find out about these meetings?"

"I check the Pack's emails, Sir." Kevin said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.


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