Chapter 171

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Avi slowly sat back, still glaring at Scott's dad, when the Omegas walked in with plates in their hands.

Mitch set one in front of both of Scott's parents, and then hurried back into the kitchen.

Kirstie put a dish in front of both of the Pentatonix Alphas.

When Mitch came back, he put a plate in front of Kevin's seat and then Kirstin's.

Kevin came out of the kitchen with the last plate and handed it to Mitch.

They all thanked him, and then began to eat.

Connie took a bite and then smiled at Kevin. "You're a fantastic cook. What was your name again?"

"Kevin. And thank you."

"Are you Scott's Omega?" She questioned.

Kevin smiled and shook his head. "No. I am a Beta, actually. Scott's Omega is Mitch, who is sitting next to you."

She turned and looked Mitch up and down. "Oh."

The smile Mitch was trying to give her completely fell at the disappointment in her voice.

Scott rolled his eyes at her. "Don't sound so excited, geez."

Rick leaned forward to glare at Scott. "Don't disrespect your mother. What is the matter with you?"

Scott grumbled something and leaned back.

Rick growled at him. "What have I told you about mumbling? Speak up, boy."

Scott's jaw locked for a second, and Mitch instantly got ten times more nervous.

Scott leaned forward and gave his dad a sarcastic smile. "I said. You're not in charge of me anymore. Just because she's my mother, doesn't make her more of an Alpha than I am."

"You disrespectful little shit."

Scott snarled at him. "Don't curse in front of my Omega."

"Your male Omega. Hardly an Omega." Rick replied sharply.

Scott stood up and pulled Mitch's arm so that he would stand too. "If you're going to just sit there and make fun of him, we can just go."

Scott turned to walk away, dragging Mitch with him.

Connie turned in her chair. "Scott, we just want to spend some time with you. Please just calm down."

Scott flipped back around, his eyes darkening almost unnoticeably.

But Mitch definitely noticed.

Scott took a step closer to them. "We've only been sitting here two minutes, and he's already starting to attack my Omega. I'm not just going to sit there and do nothing. So unless he calms down, I'm not going to calm down."

Connie looked at Rick expectantly, and Rick sighed. "Fine. I'm sorry. I'll keep my mouth shut about him."

Scott squinted at him but sat down, pushing Mitch into his seat a little harder than he'd meant to.

Mitch picked up his fork to eat again, but Avi noticed that his hand was shaking.

He waited for Kevin to start talking to Scott's parents, and then he quietly talked to Mitch. "Are you okay, Peanut?"

Mitch's eyes flashed nervously over to Scott's parents, and then back to Avi. "Yes, Sir. I'm fine, thank you."

Avi didn't believe him.

Connie looked over at Scott when the conversation died down. "So you're still an Alpha, yes?"

"Yes, mother."

"But not a Lead Alpha?"

"No, mother."

"Why are you using that tone? I'm just clearing things up." She said innocently.

Scott closed his eyes briefly. "I'm using that tone because you're acting like everything is fine between us. And it isn't. You can't just pretend like the first 18 years of my life never happened. And then add on all the years you ignored me after that. Now you're asking about my life and my Omega like we're best friends."

Connie looked past Mitch to stare at Scott. "I thought we were best friends. I did not ignore you. Is that what you're telling your pack? Filling their heads with lies?"

Scott's angry gaze flashed over to her. "They're not lies. Don't you think I would remember something like that? Something like being ignored by my own parents my whole life?"

Rick intervened then. "We didn't ignore you. God, what is the matter with you?!"

Mitch's hand started shaking so bad that he dropped his fork.

Avi growled at all the arguing people. "Don't shout. You must've ignored him, or you wouldn't have avoided the family reunion. You didn't answer any phone calls, or even return them to tell us you weren't coming. That's proof enough."

"How dare you criticize our parenting. I barely even know you."

Avi laughed once. "Someone ought to. I know your son better than both of you combined. I was more of a father to him than you ever were."

Rick slammed his hand down on the table, causing both of the Omegas to jump. "No, you absolutely were not! I am his father! You are nothing!"

Kirstin's eyes were wide as she watched Avi refuse to back down.

Avi rolled his eyes with a huff. "I know that stupid kid like the back of my hand. You didn't even know if he was an Alpha or not."

Rick's eyes started to turn red, and that's why Kevin spoke. "Excuse me, Alphas. If you're going to argue, please dismiss your Omegas. Mitchell looks like he's about to have a heart attack."

Rick's angry eyes fell on Mitch then. "Perfect. Then Scott can try again with a female Omega."

Scott's Alpha eyes shined dangerously bright after that.

He gripped Mitch's arm with a bruising hold as he yanked him from the table.

He looked his father dead in the eyes, and then gave Mitch an obnoxiously loud kiss on the lips.

Without another word, Scott pulled him down the hall.

Avi shook his head at Rick. "I don't know what you have against male Omegas. But those are the hardest to protect. The most difficult to take care of. And the fact that Scott has done such a great job with him, is amazing. Scott is good at what he does. I don't know why you don't see that."

"Because two males that are Mated? Disgusting."

Kirstie whimpered beside Avi.

Avi sighed and stood up. "I think you two need to leave. Your unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated in this house."

Kevin nodded at Kirstie to pick up a few dishes and hopefully hide in the kitchen.

She grabbed one and then ran into the kitchen with Kevin.

Rick shook his head and stood up. "Yeah. We'll go. God, he hasn't changed."

Avi tilted his head a little. "How on Earth would you know?"

"That's my son. I don't know what you think you know about him, but he doesn't belong to you." Rick replied with a growl.

Avi shook his head and turned to go. "He's more mine than he is yours."

And that's when the first punch was thrown.


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