Chapter 84

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It was a cruel thing to leave y'all like that.

But I hadn't finished the chapter until now.

So, sorry...But here it is.



Scott rushed to catch Mitch as he fell.

Scott's head snapped up to look at Avi as he held the passed out Omega.

Avi shook his head. "We need Kevin."

Scott nodded and picked Mitch up in his arms, before running out the front door.

He found the cabin easily, as he could smell Kirstin before he even got to the doorstep.

Scott knocked frantically.

He kissed Mitch's forehead for a brief second. "Please be okay.." He mumbled.

Kevin opened the door, and furrowed his eyebrows. "What happened?"

Scott shook his head and pushed past him.

Scott walked directly into the kitchen, this cabin set up similarly to the Pentatonix Cabin.

Scott pushed everything off of the dining room table, not caring where it fell.

He then gently placed Mitch on the now open space.

Scott pulled off his shirt, and folded it neatly under Mitch's head.

Kevin was now feeling Mitch's head, and he frowned. "Scott.. He has a terrible fever.."

Scott came around the table, dog tags jingling against each other around his neck.

Scott placed a hand on Mitch's forehead to confirm.

Kevin felt Mitch's pulse then. "What even happened?"

"I don't really know. His sense of smell was wrong, and his instincts were all off.. And then he just passed out. Like he was in overdrive or something." Scott said honestly.

Kevin nodded. "His pulse is okay.. I think you're probably right. His mind became muddled and then in an attempt to fix it, his body worked too hard and knocked him out."

"But what caused it?"

Kevin sighed, looking Mitch up and down. "Could be a number of things. The stress of the pack being apart, anything that happens with you.. Is he still taking suppressants?"

Scott nodded sadly. "Every morning."

"That could be it. How long does he have to take them?" Kevin asked.

Scott just stared at Mitch's emotionless face. "I don't know. I'm just waiting for Avi to tell me to stop. Mitch isn't as upset about it anymore."

Kevin nodded slowly. "Okay.. And when was the last time he ate something?"

"Couple hours ago. I fed him myself."

Kevin nodded again. "My best guess.. Is that he's stressed out about everything that's happening with The Counsel. He rarely talks about being stressed out, correct? So he bottles it up inside of himself, and sometimes it just bursts. It all comes out at once, which is what caused him to pass out."

Scott nodded. "Okay. Thank you.. When will he wake up?"

Kevin really thought about it, before shrugging. "You could probably wake him up now. You are his Alpha, after all. I think he's going to be fine. His brain just needed a second to catch up."

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