Chapter 19

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Okay everybody, before you read my chapter, I just wanted to reccomend a book.  It's called "The Godly Ones" and if you like the Percy Jackson series, you'll love it!  Ok, I'll get to the chapter now, because I know that's what you came for, not just to hear me blabber, but really, "The Godly Ones" is a great book, you should read it!


Lilo's P.O.V.

I flinched as my head hit the back of the boat for what felt like the hundredth time.  How long could it take for someone to row a tiny boat to a freaking island?

And you know what the worst part was?

I couldn't even move around!  I was stuck in this terrible position, with my legs all twisted up on top of my arms, and I couldn't re-adjust myself at all, because the guy who was rowing would notice.  I realized with a sinking feeling that I would eventually be discovered.

I just really didn't want to be found right now, not when I was stuck in a boat with a pirate, probably surrounded by sharks.

Really, who knows, this pirate might have anger issues, and if he found me, he could throw me right over the edge!

I shuddered at the thought, and then with a shock I realized that I had moved.  I lay deathly still, barely breathing, and praying that the dude didn't notice my stupid mistake.

God must have been feeling paticularly generous today, because it seemed like the guy still had no idea that I was laying under the blanket that was about a foot away from him.

I breathed a sigh of relief, being sure not to make any sound.  Then I almost shrieked, as I felt the boat be slammed against something hard.

It took all of my willpower not to get up and see what had happened, and I couldn't help but peek out of the bottom of the blanket to see what we had hit.

It turned out, we had smacked right into a rock, and I smiled as I saw just what that rock was connected to. 

 Passengers, you may unfasten your seatbelts, we have arrived at our destination.

Gale's P.O.V.

I looked in awe as we rowed up to the island, and then stepped onto the silky, white sand.  Even in the night, you could see the blueness of the waves that slammed against the shore with such force it made me shudder.

I knew one thing- it would be very bad if someone had fallen out of the rowboat, especially now, when the waves seemed so large.

I looked around, and found that we were surrounded by palm trees, which were all swaying in the wind gently, shimmering in the moonlight.

Out of all of the islands we had treasure hunted on, it was safe to say that this was definatly the biggest.  It spread out for miles and miles, seeming endless.

How were we supposed to find the treasure if the island was this huge?

I  turned, and saw the other men looking around uncertainly, as if they were wondering the exact same thing I was.  Even the Captain himself looked uneasy, and I almost smirked at the expression on his face.

We tied up the boats on a palm tree, with the rowboats still in the water.

Jacob looked bothered, and he asked "Wouldn't it be better if we tied them up on the beach-" but the captain cut him off sharply, snapping "Not enought time, boy, and even if they did, they would just be getting in our way."

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