Chapter 15

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Me and Em were sitting on the floor, talking about what had happened since we'd been taken aboard.

"You's not as bad as I thought it would be."  I decided, and I looked at Emily to see if she agreed.

"How can you even say that?" she exclaimed in awe.  "First, they kidnap us.  Then, you jump overboard, and almost kill yourself.  Finally, you become great friends with some pirate, who has probably done more bad things in his life than you could ever count, and he goes off and gets amnesia!"

I know it sounded bad when she said it, but some little naughty part of me was still glad that we'd been kidnapped.  I felt awful thinking that, especially when I remembered my mom at home, no doubt sick with worry.

But still, after everything that had happened, I have to admit it was the most exciting thing that'd ever happened to me.  And, as crazy as it seemed, it somehow felt like I was made for the sea.

Shrugging and looking at Emily, I said simply, "Well, it couldn't have been a lot worse."

We quit talking about that, and started up some random conversation, when suddenly the boat hit something that was very, very hard and very, very big.  The whole ship lurched fowards, and me and Em were thrown against the wall.

"Ouch!"  I hollered, as my arm was twisted back into a weird position.  Was it even supposed to bend that way?

The boat was still leaning, and I came to my senses, yelling "Come on!", and dragging Emily over to the door, which was swaying creepily back and forth.

"Strange"  I wondered out loud, "How is the door blowing if there isn't any wind?"  I didn't have time to figure out the answer to that, because out of the eerie quietness suddenly came the most beautiful voice I'd ever heard.

My head snapped around, trying to find out who was singing, but I saw nobody on the deserted deck.  Me and Emily were the only ones standing there, and I started to get goosebumps on my arms.

"Hello?"  I shouted, but I got no answer, just singing.

I looked at Emily, and was surprised when I saw that she had her thinking face on.  "I think I remember hearing something about this in social studies..but I can't remember what Ms. Mears said about it..something about the sea, and singing-" 

 I cut her off, and motioned for her to be quiet. 

I crept along the side of the ship, listening to where the sound was coming from.  I peeked over, trying to keep low.  What I saw seriously almost made me pee my pants.

On the rock, were three...creatures.

They looked a lot like mermaids, but different in some ways.  They had blonde hair full of...bird feathers.  They had tails, and they were shimmering and glittering in the light.  It was obvious that they were the ones singing.

The thing that was most surprising about them, and why I had know immediatly that these were not mermaids, was the eyes.  They were bright red, and full of hate and hunger.

I shuddered, and looked in front of them.  My mouth gaped open, and I stood, lost for words.

There, rowing towards them in the ship's lifeboats, were the crew.  They looked like they were in a daze or something.

I looked at where they were headed, and my mouth dropped even more when I realized that they were headed straight towards the rock the creatures were sitting on, singing.

"I remember what Ms. Mears said about those."  Emily stuttered from behind me, and I turned to look at her, lost for words.  At a time like this, all Em could think about was Social Studies??  "Em",  I said in a patient voice, trying not to hurt her feelings, "How will that help us now?"

"They're sirens!"  she moaned, and the truth dawned on me.  That would sure explain the singing. it wouldn't.

"Why are they singing?"  I asked, feeling dumb.  "They lure pirates in with their voices, cause them to crash on their Island, and then they devour them."  she explained in a whisper.

My mouth felt dry.  "Umm, that is...not pleasant."  I whimpered, trying and epically failing to hide my fear.

I looked over the side again at the sirens, and this time they didn't seem quite so friendly.

"Wait, I thought those were fake!"  I accused.  "Aren't they just supposed to be old myths or somthing?"

Emily sighed, shaking her head.  "Think about what's happened to us, Lilo.  We've been abducted by freaking pirates!  I don't know what to believe anymore.  But one thing's for sure-whatever those things are out there, they're not myths."

I nodded, letting what she had said sink in.

"So now all we gotta do is save our crew, and kill those sirens.

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