Chapter 11

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Lilo's P.O.V.

The rain drummed against my window.  I stared out into the darkness, where all you could see was the waves, sloshing back and forth.  Those horribe, deadly waves.

I would never admit this to anyone on this crew, but I was scared to death of the ocean.  It had taken all of my strength to jump over the edge of the boat a few days ago, and I still broke out in shivers every time I thought about it.

  It had felt so helpless, so dark, while I was trapped under the water.  This is probably how dad felt, right before it happened, I realized, and I quickly shoved that awful thought to the place in my head where I kept all my thoughts of my dad, in the back, where they would be forgotten.

I tore my gaze away from the window, and looked over to where Gale was sitting on the floor, playing with my Ipod.  I had forgotten that I had it in my pocket the whole time, (thank god it had a water protective case!) and Gale had been in awe when he saw it. 

 "The front lights up when you just press a button!"  he said breathlessly, and I couldn't help it.  I busted out laughing.  He held it up and looked under it.  "Is there a candle inside it to make it glow?"  he reasoned, and I fell on the ground, cracking up.

"That's not all it can do."  I said in what I hoped sounded like a mysterious voice.  "Look".  I pressed the on button, and scrolled through my apps, watching as Gale's eyes grew to the size of golf balls.

"Which app do you want to see?"  I asked him, and his forehead wrinkled in confusion.  "What's an app?" he questioned, and I rolled my eyes.  I went to my voice memos app and said in a demanding voice, "Say something."

  He looked at me like I was crazy, and blurted out, "You want me to talk to a little square box?"  I played it back to him, and he gasped.  "Your ipod is talking to me!  Make it stop!"  I started laughing again, and even Gale had to smile.

"So, seriously,"  I started, getting back to buisness.  "We need to figure out what to do when we find the island.  How are we supposed to know where the treasure is once we get there?"

"We have metal detectors."  he explained, as if it should have been obvious.  "But... I thought you were supposed to be really old fashioned!"  I said, then clamped my hands over my mouth and muttered, "No offense." 

He smiled, and said, "It's fine.  We don't use a lot of your new fancy gadgets, but metal detectors do come in quite handy.  We used to have to train dogs to smell for treasure, but that didn't work well." 

 "Why not?"  I asked, puzzled.  "Well," he replied, "they would make us stop and dig up every single bone or skeleton on the entire island."  I stared at him in shock, and said hesitantly, "Well, I can honestly say I didn't expect to hear that."

His eyes were twinkling like crazy.  "Are you sure?"  I accused, and he started laughing like crazy.  "You're such a bad lier." I declared, and he answered defensivly, "It's not my fault!  I can't lie well when I'm tired!"

Still chuckling,  I slid down onto the floor and closed my eyes, worn out.  The rain was still pattering, and it was slowly putting me to sleep. 

 Suddenly, a loud cracking sound broke the wonderful silence.  I lept off the ground and ran to the deck, with Gale close at my heels.  "What happened?"  I screamed, but the sound was lost in the chaos. 

 I grabbed the nearest crew member, and yelled in his ear loudly "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!?!"  Well, I thought smugly, he couldn't pretend not to hear that.  "It's the crows nest!"  he hollered back.  "It's been struck by lightning!"

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