Chapter 15

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Spencer's POV
Everything started to move in slow motion. I just got the worst call of my life. I look up to JJ and the rest of the team who were in the round table room.
"Spence what's wrong?" JJ asked me.
I broke down crying just thinking about it.
"uh...uhm...d-der-erk w-was...." I couldn't even finish my sentence. How could this of happened? Who would do this to him? Why was it him?
"What's wrong with my chocolate thunder?" Garcia asked?
"H-he's be-be-been shot." I say slowly and stuttering.
"What do you mean he's been shot?" she asked again with tears in her eyes.
"I-I don't know. Som-someone called and said tha-that..."
"Okay, okay, what hospital is he at?" Prentiss asked.
"The one downtown."
"Okay let's go, Spence you can ride with me." JJ said.
We all rushed out of the round table room and to our cars. JJ was driving and I was in the passenger seat. I was staring out the window, wondering why this has to happen to him. Out of all people, him? He is one of the nicest, funniest, and most respectful guys I know. Who'd want to hurt him?
"Spence?" JJ said at me and then back onto the rode.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I said are you okay?"
"How would you be if the first person you loved died right in front of you and you never got to even really be with her and then you finally move on to someone else who saved your life and then they are about to die and you can't help save theirs." I snapped.
She looked at me for a second then looked back at the rode. I feel guilty for shouting at her I'm just mad, sad, and confused.
I sighed and sad "I'm sorry JJ it's just-"
"No Spence, it's okay. I should of assumed you weren't okay." she said.
"It's just I need him." I said on the verge of tears.
"I know you do, I can tell. Trust me, he'll be okay."
We finally pulled up to the hospital and I jumped out of the car. Once I was inside I ran up to the front desk asking about Derek.
"Sir, he's in surgery. He got here about 10 minutes ago and they rushed him right in. You can take a seat in the waiting room and a nurse will come out soon." the nurse at the front desk said.
"Okay." I said and turned around. The team was behind me waiting on the news.
"He's still in surgery." I said and started to go sit in the waiting area.
I sat down in a seat thinking again. This time I was thinking about Derek and all the times we've had together. One of my favorite times was when we were stuck in the elevator together. He screamed like a little girl. I let out a small laugh, and then looked up to see the team staring at me.
"I was just thinking about the time when me and Derek were stuck in the elevator together." I said hoping everyone wouldn't think I'm crazy for laughing.
"Okay." they all said in unison.
"I hope my chocolate thunder is okay." Penelope said with tears in her eyes.
"I'm sure he will be P." JJ said.
*Three and a half hours later*
"For Derek Morgan?" A nurse said.
I rushed out of my chair and went up to the nurse.
"Yeah that's us." I said.
"Well looks like Mr. Morgan got shot twice. Once in the abdomen and the other in the chest near his heart. We were able to remove both bullets safely. He was bleeding a lot but we got it under control. Right now he is in the ICU. He is touch and go but hopefully he'll make a full recovery. You can see him once he wakes up. A nurse will come out and get you." she said.
"Thank you." I said, then went to take a seat.
"See, I told you he'd be okay. Derek is strong. He wouldn't let a bullet kill him. At least not without a fight." JJ said, putting a smile on my face.

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