Forgive Me, Please

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Alia flexed her fingers as they undid the red boxes from her hands. The veins running down the back of her hand pumped with furious nervousness and her finger twitched. A wave a wrinkles splashed her forehead as she furrowed with an unknown worry. Her hair stuck to the back of her neck with sweat and as soon as her hands were free, she tied her locks into a tight bun. Her lower lip quivered against the cool wind coming from the window. 

"You have group session in fifteen minutes, we expect you to behave. If you do not keep up with our expectations, we will have to take serious measures. You will be responsible if any patient is uncomfortable," the nurse quipped, "follow me to the room, its better to be early and catch a good seat." 

Alia straightened out her hospital dress and slipped into her slippers. Shoving the sleeves of her dress onto her shoulders, she followed the nurse, the back of her slippers slapping against the floor. 

"Hey!" Mia's voice called. 

"Hey hey!" Olive smiled. 

Olive and Mia skipped to Alia, smiling widely. 

"Where you guys going?" Alia asked. 

"Group counselling," they both said simultaneously. 

"Oh, same," Alia smiled tightly and her girlfriend's and ex-girlfriends closeness. 

"We can take her, if you like?" Olive asked the nurse trudging in front of Alia. Alia smiled at her warmly, a surprising reaction for someone who just found their dead girlfriend alive. Olive winked at the nurse slyly and the nurse smirked, nodded and left them. 

"Olive, is the nursey wursey your girlfriend?" Mia asked, coyly. 

"Maybe," Olive smiled, winking at Alia too. 

"Hey! Stop flwirting with my giwlfwiend!" Mia punched Olive's arm. 

"She was my girlfriend first!" Olive punched Mia back. Mia stopped, taking a step back with a small gasp. 

"What?" she said in a small voice. 

Alia sighed, running her fingers through her hair, "Yeah, Mia, I'm sorry, I guess I just didn't mention her because I thought she was dead." Alia jutted her chin towards Olive. 

"Oh," Mia whispered. 

"You're not mad, are you?" Alia asked unsurely as they walked into a huge room with white tiles. In the middle of the room were chairs forming a circle. All the chairs are red, except for the chair with an old man on it, that was blue. The old man had a reddish round face with a heavy neck. He wore black t-shirt and black pants with a long gold chain hanging on his neck. He was a bald and you could see the top of his head pump with the heat he was engulfed in because of his leather jacket. On his lap, was a pink teddy bear, about the size of a two-year old child. 

"Oh hey Teddy!" Mia ran to the man, kissed the man on the cheek, "Hey Mr. Duo!" and then pulled the teddy bear from the man's lap. 

"Hey Mia! You know you're not allowed to do that!" the man boomed. 

Mia sat heavily on a red chair near the man and pulled the teddy bear towards her, "But you don't let me get my teddies hear so I'm gonna use yours!" Mia stuck her tuck out. 

Mr. Duo laughed, "Come one doll, give it back." 

Mia bashed her lashes fast, making a baby face, "Pwease Mr. Duo? I'm having a bad day. Only till class starts!" 

The man sighed, "Okay doll, but when I tell you to give it to me, you will." 

Olive pulled Alia to the man, introduced her and started to take a seat near Mia. As Alia was about to sit down near Mia, Mia shot up and ran to the seat on the other side. Alia followed her, and again, Mia shot up and ran away. 

This happened a few times before Alia gave up, " You are such a kid." 

Mia stuck her tongue out at Alia, this time and buried her face into the top of the teddy bear. 

The room had begun to fill up and soon, there were only two seats left, the one next to Mia and the one Alia sat on now. Alia saw someone come through the doors and sped across the room to sit near Mia. Almost like recoil, Mia shot up only to realize all the seats were taken. 

She sighed, rolled her eyes and huffed back into her seat. 

Alia smiled, "Look, Mia, I'm sorry. Forgive me, please. I should have told you before. I didn't mean to make you feel bad, I mean, it's not my fault I thought Olive was dead." 

Mia looked up slightly, "Did you love her?" 

"I did," Mia bowed her head. 

"Do you still love her?" 

"No," Alia thought for a minute, "I love you." 

Mia gasped, shot up like she did before and ran out the room. 

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