Riot of Confusion

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The past week has been a riot of confusing events and unpredictable consequences.

The hospital kept me for a night, demanding that I calm down or they would medicate me.

I didn't calm down, and they did medicate me, but when I woke up 23 hours later, I pushed myself off the bed and checked myself out of the goddamn depressing as shit hospital, because you know what? It wasn't fucking worth it. Nothing was worth it.

Not even me.

I've been with two girls in my entire fucking life and both of them have fucking ended up dying.

It's not a fucking joke, it's a curse.

I'm fucking cursed.

And I'm fucking weak.

After all that Fae's done to me, I still fucking feel depressed because of her death. She fucked me over big time and then she fucked me over once more by fucking dying.

I can't fucking believe that she didn't fucking tell me that she was fucking dying.

Fucking cunt.

Fucking me.

I'm the fucking cunt. I'm not worth it cause I always end up killing someone, although I'm not doing it physically, I still am responsible of two of my girlfriends deaths.

It's fucking annoying knowing that I'm fucking cursed, but it's more annoying knowing that the only fucking way to stop the curse is to stop dating people at all.

I cannot believe she's dead.

Fucking dead.

"Fuck," I groan, pulling in front of the dark alleyway. Getting out of the car, I slam the door behind me and walk up to the girl in the corner wearing a 'Fall Out Boy' hoodie and neon headphones.

"Took you long enough," she said.

I growled, "just fucking hook me up, will you?"

"Woah what's up your buttock?" she said, her British accent prominent.

"Fuck, Yale, hand it, will you?"

"Bloody hell, here you go," she said, handing me a packet, "no smoking up and driving and please take care of yourself, you stink like bloody knickers and you've got to change out of those awful sweatpants."

"Gee, your full of compliments today, aren't you, drug dealer?" I spit at her, removing some of the grass she'd given me and rolling up into a joint.

"Seriously, take care yourself kid."

I got back into the car and rolled my window down. Holding the joint between my teeth I turned on the ignition and began driving.

I felt calmer as soon as the drug inflicted itself on my body. I turned on the music, singing along with Miley Cyrus as I sped down the road.

I screamed along with the lyrics, taking long puffs between lines.

Remember only God can judge us,
Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya,

I screeched, pulling on the joint. Everything began slowing and soon my singing didn't match the pace of the song. I could feel a goofy smile on my face and suddenly I began laughing for no reason at all. The road began to blur in front of my eyes and I sat back into the seat.

The blur brightened when I saw red and blue lights driving behind me.

"Fuck, fuckity fucking fuck," I muttered as I pulled up to the side of the road and threw my joint into the back seat.

"ID?" The policeman asked. I pulled out the card from the glove compartment and handed it to him. "Ma'am have you been smoking Marijuana? The smell is undoubtedly evident in your car." He looked into the backseat of the car, "Ma'am please evacuate the car at this moment with your hands at the back of your head." I did as I was told, "I believe you know that the possession of marijuana is illegal in the state of New York?" I nodded silently, "Alright, Ma'am you are under arrest for the position and use of an illicit drug. As per the law, you have the right to remain quiet, anything and everything said can and will be used as evidnce-" I bent back, shoving my back against him. He stumbled back and I spun around quickly as he whispered something into his walkie talkie. I kicked his gut and spun around to take a run for it.

I ran for about thirteen blocks before they caught up with me.

And that's when I realized,

The grass isn't greener on the other side, it's only smoked.

Authors Note-

What do you think about Alia smoking up?

Do you think that Alia's slipped into a spiral of unpredictable events?

What about Mia? Do you think Alia should have contacted her?

You guys, the next chapter is going to be sort of a twist, I think, out!

Sionara bishes.


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