Chapter 25 We Were Having A Moment

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TW: Language and anxiety

We all look at my mom. Danny and me in shock, because we know he shouldn't be there.
"Danny? What the fuck are you even doing here?" She says rude to him.
"And Lloyd?" She doesn't even know exactly what to ask, overwhelmed by surprise of the people and the tension in the room.
"Hey." He says, also surprised by her sudden appearance.
Mom runs up to him, embracing him.
"You're back. You're finally back!" She says in quite a happy and emotional tone.
"I am not leaving. Not anymore." He says, almost tearing up himself. I think after all those years away he has blocked away who he had to leave behind.

Danny and I stand by as the two reunite. I look at him, a little awkward, but on the other hand scared for my mothers further reaction to his presence.
Mom lets dad go, gets herself together and turns to me and Danny.
"You didn't break contact with him, did you?" She asks dissapointed.
I shake my head, without emotion, standing next to the person I should have ghosted.
"We like each other. We really do." Danny says in an honest tone.
"We're not just friends, he's my boyfriend. So let it go." I add. It was a risky line to throw in against them, but I felt like it had to be said.
My parents nod vaguely, knowing they can't do a lot about it.

"But, Danny, tell me, what are you doing here?" My mom sighs, this time a bit rude.
"I came to bring Ann home. We hung out yesterday."
He is being brutally honest, I appreciate it, just hoping he wouldn't say too much.
"Wait- hold on... She was at your place yesterday? And you brought her home just now?" My mom asks, her voice filling itself with anger and betrayal.
Danny doesn't speak a word.
My dad stands by, knowing I'd be in trouble.
"This is going way to fast, I may hope you realize that too. Ann, your seven-teen! He is like- ... what?" Her temper rises.
"I'm twenty, ma'am." Danny transfers to his polite tone.
She had nothing to say.

"I don't want this to happen again." She says out of nothing.
"It won't-" Danny tries to answer, but gets cut off.
"I was talking to Ann." She turns to me directly.
"It won't." I copy Danny. Although we both know, damn straight, that this will happen again.
My mom looks at us, but tries her best to accept the fact of me and Danny being together.

"Can we just sit down now? Just chill out and... hang?" My dad chuckles. He wants to be funny, but I feel low key offended by all the statements my mom just made.
"Sure, I've missed you a lot." My mom says and changes the mood.
"I'll, uhhh, go grab us some snacks." I say.
"Danny, could you help me with that?" I ask him, pointing my eyes from him to the kitchen. He doesn't respond quick enough, so I grab his sleeve and gently but unnoticable, drag him with me.
"Why-oh, yeah, sure." He says, as he processes my message.

My mom and dad continue to chat, while we arrive in the kitchen. I let out a sigh, a relief, but also a sign of exhaustion.
"It's a lot. I know." Danny whispers as he stands behind me.
I manage to push it away. I open the snack drawer.
"No, no, I'm just happy they are starting to accept it. Especially my mom." I chuckle nervously.
He looks at me, as I meet his eyes I feel myself melt into the ground.
I try to distract myself from his eyes, preventing this scene from taking place in my kitchen. It's undeniable, it's like he can see right through me. He doesn't say anything, he knows exactly what I feel.
He steps closer, leans into me. Our eyes melting into each others.

"Did you grab the snack-" My dad steps into the kitchen.
We stand there, such an intimate moment, taking a step back, embarressed as fuck. I accidentily shut the drawer close with my hips, when taking a step back.
"You know what?" He starts, pointing his fingers at us awkwardly. "I am not telling your mom." He turns around and leaves quietly.
I stand there embarressed. Danny starts to laugh, I can't resist either. That was so awkward, it was unbelievable.
"So, where were we?" He asks me in his deep voice, changes to serious, he leans back in... His slight smile was charming, making me blush.
"Are you crazy? What if someone walks in on us again?" I push him softly.
"Oh come on... We were having a moment!" He whisper yells disappointed
I smile softly. Suddenly, something pops up in my mind.
"Hey, I think my parents will have a date night, since they haven't seen each other for so long. We could have a night alone, here." I whisper.
"They'd never let me stay..." He takes the logic side, of course.
"I'll talk to my dad. It'll be fine. Trust me." I say confident, at least, trying to.
Danny nods, we open the drawer. We both grab some snack, but not my favorite, those were kept a secret in my room still.

We walk back into the room.
"That took you long..." My mom says suspecting.
I give her an agreeing look and sit down next to my dad. Such a weird feeling, I haven't seen him in years, now he is sitting next to me on the couch. I make room for Danny, throwing some pillows aside and tap to sign he could sit.
"Ann, if that's your nickname," dad eyes my mom, "how has school been going?" He asks.
"Fine." I answer simple.
"Well..." My mom mumbles.
"My grades are fine. I'm doing good." I add.
"I'll see when you get the report." Dad says with confidence.
That's going to suck for sure.
"And friends? How is Eve?"
"We aren't friends anymore. I hang out with new friends."
"But you and Eve we're so close when you were younger? How'd that happen?" He asks in surprise.
"Long story, let's not get into that right now." I sigh in relief of my own answer, because for once I talked myself of something.
"Sure." He says. "But you still have other friends?" He continues.
"I take her to the conventions with my friends. So no, she isn't lonely, not anymore." Danny chuckles.
My dad smiles softly, beginning to accept Danny.

We continue talking about our lives, how life was in the army, how my mom has been holding up. And James, my brother, is apparently coming back in a month or two, from college. That is what my dad announced, since he had the most contact with him recently.

Hope you enjoyed. Eat, drink, take care of yourselves!
More coming up soon!

P.B.S. 05/19/2024

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