Chapter 7 Taco's And ADHD

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TW: D3pr3ssion and language

I'm in the bathroom, changing into my jeans, which is hard, because they're still a little soggy. The sweatpants Danny gave me I hang on the rackets next to the sink. I take a look in the room I slept in, in my subconsious I probably wanted to grab my bag, but I left that at the bottom of the river.

I go downstairs again, Arny is still on his phone. We smile at each other awkwardly. I hestitate sitting down next to him, I didn't want to start another conversation. I didn't even know him, though, he did know why I was there. I walk to the couch and sit down. Grabbing the phone I just got from Danny. It was so nice from him to do that, but also unnecesairy. I unlock the phone, seeing a few new features.
"Was Danny a little nice to you? You were here since yesterday morning right?" Arny starts.
"He was being really nice." I answer.
"Good." He nods and smiles while looking away.
Another silent moment. Uhg I hate those, I always feel a lot of social pressure to say something, when at the same time I'm afraid to say something stupid.
"Can I ask you something?" He puts his phone back in one of the pockets of his sweats.
"Sure, what is it?" I say, trying to sound chill, but actuallu afraid for his announced question.
"Did you really-? We're you actually gonna-? I don't even know what to ask. Are you okay?" He can't find the right question, staying nice and not rude asking me why it happened.
"I- uhh-."  I answer, struggling getting anything out of my mouth. What else was I suppose to say?
"And Danny jumped after you?" He adds.
"I mean, I guess. I don't remember a lot."
Another silent moment.
"So, where do you live?"
"About 2 hours away from here." I tell him afraid for his respond.
"Jezus. What did you tell your parents?"
"That I'm at a friends house. I don't know what I'll say when I get home."
"Had a rough time at home?"
"It's not that my situation is the problem. For me it's everything else."

Don't fucking overshare, you little shit. I think to myself. Most of the time, my mind did speak to me like that, pretty mean.

"Wanna tell me?" He tries to get me to speak out my feelings. I really don't want to, I fell into that trap earlier, going there again? Nah-uh.
"I don't want to bore you, I mean..."
"Danny texted me, and I shouldn't snitch on the both of you, but sounded like you were going through some shit. I-I don't want to push you or anything, but just know, I would listen." He told me. 'I don't want to push you,' bro what are you doing right now then?' The attitude in my head spoke.
"I'm fine. I was just being stupid." I politely say.
"Oh God. I know that one. Are you sure?" He looks at me.
"You sure you don't want an extra hug from another guy you don't know?" He smiles. I shake my head, smiling, so he knows I appreciate his offer.

The back door whips open. "I'm backkk." Danny says in a Mario accent. The first walking into the livingroom is Uki, being followed by Danny.
"Are ya'll done?" He says in his own voice again.
Arny and I nod, get up and grab our stuff.
Danny picks up Uki. He was not letting her stay home alone apparantly. I grab the phone and text my moms number. I wait for Danny to grab his car keys, which somebody had dropped of just this morning. Yesterday he was getting his car checked-up.

"Hi, this is me, Ann. I lost my phone, but I already bought a new one, please don't be mad. I'll be home around 4. Love you." I texted my mom quickly. I actually had no idea when I'd be home, since we would go eat somewhere first.
"You ready?" Danny asks me. I nod. Together we walk through the kitchen into the garage. A big white car standing in the middle of it, what was obvious, was that it just had a check up, and a wash.
"I'll drive, who wants shotgun?" Danny starts.
Arny looks at me, thoughtfully. I meet his eyes.
"Oh no, you can in the front, I don't mind." I broke his thoughts.
"No, I'll sit in the back with Uki. I'll drive back anyways."
I raise my eyebrows, still giving him a chance to change his mind, but he already opened one of the back doors. Danny walked to the passengers door and opened it for me.
"Thanks." I get seated and Danny opens the garage with the remote and gets into the car. I put in the adress and look thanking at Danny. I really was grateful that he wanted to bring me home, I just felt really socially awkward, but picking up Arny's vibe in the back, I wasn't the only one luckily.

As we drive out of the neighbourhood, Danny puts on a playlist. I could sense that that was their type of music, but nobody was saying a thing. The first half an hour of the drive was pretty quiet.
"So Ann, does your mom know wh-" Arny speaks up. His voice sounded soft and monotone, with sometimes a small broken high-pitch in it.
"Nope, she doesn't." I answer him before he could even finish his question.
"Oh. Well, what are you going to tell her?" Arny asks.
I look outside, hoping to come up with a lie. Noticing the beautiful green trees we pass. Everything looks exacty as spring should look like.
"I don't know." I say when I turn my head to the backseat.
"Do you have a good relationship with her?" He continues.
"I do. And you?" I try making a conversation.
Danny looks into the mirror, making eye contact with Arny as they both burst into laughing. I don't totally get the joke, but I have my answer I guess.

After about 10 minutes we pass a lot of fast-food restaurants.
"Are you guys hungry? We could order something at Taco Bell?"
"Sure." Me and Arny answer almost at the same time.
Danny makes a right and goes into a drive-thru.
"What do you guys want?" He asks us.
"Just a Mountain Dew for me." I say.
"Four regular taco's and a Pepsi." Arny adds.
The voice speaks: "Hello, what can I get for you?"
"Hi, I'd like to order two Mountain Dews,10 regular taco's, no sour cream and a Pepsi." Danny orders as he adds his own items to the list.
"Alright, drive to the second window please."
Danny pulls up to the first window as Arny looks at bim surprised in the mirror.
"No sour cream-. How do you always know what I want, when I forget what I want? Like that's some crazy shit bro!" Arny asks him with a big smile. Danny meets Arny's  eyes, while he pats himself on his shoulder as he took it as a compliment. Another silence, but luckily, this one wasn't as bad as most times, we were just waiting for someone to open the window and give us our order.

After a few moments we peak into the window, hoping to see someone, but there wasn't anyone.
"Oh fuck. We- oh my-. We're at the first fucking window! She told us to go to the second!" Danny laughs and curses. We all burst into laughing now.
"Why didn't you drive there then?" Arny asks him in chuckles.
"Because I have ADHD and I'm chaotic!" Danny screams back at Arny with an embarrassed smile as he drove to the second window. That explained a lot, he was really chaotic and sometimes just gave me that vibe. We we're still laughing at the second window, where the Danny paid and got our food and drinks. The lady at the window gave us a weird look
He parks next to the restaurant and splits the order. Me and him had the Mountain Dews. Arny gets the four taco's and Danny has the other 6, which he gave two to me.
"What are you doing? I didn't aks for taco's." I ask confuzed.
"I know. But I want you to eat. Go on." He places the two wrapped taco's in my lap. I try giving them back, but he gives me a deadly look back.
"I wouldn't argue with him on that." Arny tells me with a full mouth.
"This is a game you ain't gonna win." He adds. Danny gives me a look. I take Arny's advice and open one of the wraps, actually I was a bit hungry, I just didn't want to cost any more money.

After we finish up, Danny starts the engine and we drive away entering the highway to my town. It was way less uncomfortable and we made a few chats about school and our lives, but not sharing anything that might actually matter.

Hope you enjoyed reading!

P.B.S. 03/11/2024

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