Chapter 16 I Got Fired...

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TW: D3pr3ssion and language

~Time skip: a month later~
"I know." I mumble while I stare at my ceiling. My mom asks what I just said.
"I know." I repeat myself a little irritated.
"You have to get better grades. You will fail your classes like this." My mom continues.
I had been listening to this clown-parent act for almost an hour now. She had been standing complaining about me in my room for an hour.
"Is it because of him? Is he distracting you?" She attacks Danny now.
Little does she know I'm on the phone with him right this moment, but I turned my phone face down on my bed. She came in when we were already calling for hours and I didn't want to hang up like that, but I thought she'd make this quick.
"No!" I yell back.
"I'm taking your phone!" She reaches her hand out to my phone, but I grab it just in time.
"No, you're not. I payed for it myself. It's rightfully mine!"
Danny must be enjoying this drama via the call.
"You're going to be doing your best more from now on. Otherwise-" She threats.
"Otherwise what? What?!" I yell at her. I have been beating myself uo for everything I've done wrong. I don't need another person telling me I'm not good enough.

Pissed she storms out of my room, closes the door and I hear her footsteps down the stairs. I take a deep breath and put my earphones in again. Danny was still on the call.
"Sorry you had to hear that. I tried to get her out."
"Used to it. But I just wish she knew what has been going on with you. You didn't deserve that." He backs me up. Not in a comfortable way, so I decide to keep myself quiet.
"Can I see you?" He asked me if we could go over in video call.
"I look like shit honestly." I tell him.
"Whatever you feel like. I just want to see you." He says simple.
I turn my camera on and keep my hand on it.
"Only if you turn yours on too." I try making a deal with him.
He turns his on too, I see Uki lying on Danny's lap on his bed. I remove my hand from the camera.
I'm wearing his hoodie, lying on my bed too. It was a Sunday afternoon, we both had nothing to do, so we'd call each other all the time.
"How was work yesterday?"
I was not ready for that question. Yesterday was the day I got fired.
"I- uhhhh-" I hestitate if I want to tell him.
"What?" He pushes.
"I got fired." I say ashamed. I turn the camera away so he can only see one half of me.
"What?!" He yells.
"Shhhhh!" I say, he almost yelled through the walls of my room. My mom would hear it, she doesn't know the bad news yet.
"Why?!" He sounds confused.
As much as I was really dissapointed I don't actually feel it.
"They are closing, it's no big deal though. At least, not for me. I'll find another job." I tell him calmly.
"How are you so chill about this?" He asks me.
"I don't know, I mean, I was thinking about quitting anyways." I look at the screen, his jaw is still dropped.

I have felt weird the entire day, I still don't understand. Of course I felt a little sad the shop is closing, but the bigger problem was telling my mom.

I have been missing Danny quite a lot. Hapilly, we have kept calling and texting each other non-stop since he left, about a month ago.

After I zone out for a while I return to our call.
"Ann? Ann?" He tries.
"Yea? What?" I reply.
"Have you slept last night?" He asks me as his face grows a concerned and searching look.
"Not really. I've been thinking about, well, telling my mother." I said quietly, making sure my mom would not hear me.
"Awww," he cares, "why won't you just catch up sleeping now?".
"Because I still can't sleep, especially not during daytime." I answer.
"Then just tell her, get it of your chest. I want you to be able to sleep." Danny says. He cares about me, maybe I just have to take his advice.
"I'll try."
"Good and don't stress about a new job. You'll do just fine." He continues.
"Talk to her. Now, so we can watch the next MHA later." He commands, but in a positive way.
"Fine, I will. Call in an hour?" I accept his deal. Watching My Heroes Academia with him was just what I need today.
I see him nod and hang up.
In my text I immediatly see a new message pop up.
Danny: You'll be fine.
Which I respond with a thumbs up. Was it too cold of a message? My awkwardness level tops everyones, I believe.

The talk with my mom went as I have planned for the past couple of days, she was a little dissapointed. No shock, I already feel like an academic failure, why not add financial to the list. This summer I'll turn 17, that means that I will have to get financially steady. According to the rule me and my mom set when I was at the age of 15. So this was a little set back, she already started pushing about applying for new jobs, but I said I wanted a little break to see what I want to look for.

When wandering off topic with her I feel my phone in my pocket recieve a notification. I take a quick look onto it.

Danny: The anime convention is coming up soon. Do I need to get a ticket for you? The rest of us already do...

He was still excited about seeing me again. It made we me feel good inside, likeable. I directly click on the pop-up and reply.

Me: Sure. I'll pay you back later. Could you send the date and location? It'll be the 24th next month right?

We had been discussing the conventions for a long time now, I've never been to one, so I'm pretty curious.
After sharing some snacks with my mom and about some other stuff I go back into my room to call Danny, we both turn on a website where we can call and watch a movie at the same time and pick the second movie of MHA (My Heroes Academia). The first one we had seen last week, I was pretty impressed by it, since it was my first anime movie ever, we watched it with Arny. And since he is watching the second with Pete, it was okay for us to watch without him.

Danny was right. The weight did get off my chest now that I've told her. But the biggest secret still remains, Danny is my boyfriend. How do you tell a single, hard-working, strict and already dissapointed parent that you've been hiding the fact you have a boyfriend? Especially when she doesn't support his job. She was joking about it during dinner, although I'm sure she'd not be too happy if I'd live up to her sarcasm.

I don't have a lot of readers, but I do apreciate you guys. Hope hou guys like this chapter as wel. If anything should be added, please let me know.

"The world is a bad place, but we can make it better."

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