Chapter 24 'Cause we're childish

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TW: D3pr3ssion, language, vi0lence

I ask if my dad or Danny want something to eat or drink. I get them both some water and sit down on the couch with them.
Danny takes a sip of his water.
"So, boyfriend huh?" My dad starts again.
"Yup... That's the word..." Danny answers quietly. He sits there, extremely uncomfortable to know what to say.
I see my dad's expression change, he clearly took it in disrepect.
"How did the two of you meet?" He asks, looling at the both of us.
My mind, speedrunning for a normal, everyday, activity to answer with. However, nothing comes to my mind.
Danny looks at me, I could tell what he tried to sign me. I shake my head.
"I-I fell off a bridge- I mean a boat! A boat!"
My dad chuckles at my nervous behavior. He must've thought I was joking.
"Are you making this up?" He smiles and frowns.
"No... I'm dead serious." I regain my focus. "I fell of a boat. Danny got me out of the water."
The smile and chuckle dissapear.
"You fell off a boat? Hold on- what were you doing on a boat? Where did this happen?" The instant parental concern grows.
"Close to Danny's place. I was on a trip, alone." My voice goes quiet. Recalling myself in the actual situation hurted a little, it made my heart beat faster.
"And then? He got you out of the water, then what?" His voice, craving to know the rest of our story.
"He took me to his place, got me checked up by his doctor..." I answer, but not without another interruption.
"You took her to your place? Out of the blue?" Clearly my dad is suspicious of Danny's actions. He turns to him.
"I did, she had no where to go. She was freezing. Should I had just left her there?" Danny asks. He feels attacked, which I didn't find very weird.
"I'm not saying that, I'm just asking you why." Dad answers coldly.
"Don't..." I try to stop the conversation, because I can sense a certain tension forming.
"Anyways, I spended the night, the next day he even brought me home." I finish quickly.
"You spended the night?! At some strangers house? You could've just gone home!" He begins to raise the volume of his voice.
I'm thrown off by his sudden change of tone.
Danny already had something against him, but yelling was only supporting that.
"Don't you dare yell at her for that! You weren't even there!" Danny yells, but he doesn't get up. He just shows a face, of slight disgust.
My dad gets up, to tower over him, but Danny stands up as well.
"Don't go there. I'm telling you, you are not in for that ride." Dad tells him.
I try to get in between them.
"Guys..." I start.
"Aren't we already there?" Danny asks him sarcastic. The feeling that he liked him, was long gone.
"No, no! No, we aren't there! So don't go there!" I yell go them both.
They don't stop, trying to keep towering each other.
"HEY!" I yell at the top of my lungs. Now I have their attention.
"Sit down." Luckily, they do as I say. I didn't expect my dad to be like this, all overprotective.

"Fine, I'll try hold it in. But don't expect me to 'chill out' if my sixteen year old daughter tells me she has been sleeping with someone! Twice!" He continues, yet, I don't admit.
"It wasn't twice... I slept in his guest room." I mumble, at least it made him quiet.

"What happened afterwords, because I don't think he dropped you off and left." My dad dares to pick up where we drifted off.
"He came inside, met mom-"
"Your mother met him? And she's fine with him being around you?"
I realize I won't be able to say anything without being interrupted.
"Well..." I hesitate.
"How long have you two been together? Since you don't live close you can't spend a lot of time together right?" He tries.
"We watch movies," while I go blanc, Danny thinks with me.
"Go to conventions-" He stops.
I look at him. He shouldn't have brought that up, but now, I shouldn't have looked at him. I'm only making this worse.
"What kind of 'conventions'?" My dad asks, he's probably never heard of it.
"Uhhh, like anime and comics... That kind of stuff."
"So animated movies, series and children books?" My dad asks degrading.
"Yeah, exactly. 'Cause we're childish." Danny answers mockingly, but in a mature way, while my dad does everything to ignore his tone.
"That's how you... date? Do you have some pictures?" He asks curious.
I love that he tries to accept and interrest. I reach for my phone and open the album. Accidentaly we see a picture of Danny's wrecked car from the last convention.
"What was that?" My dad asks when I scroll past it at some speed.
"Oh nothing... Just a meme or something."
"That was your car? Wasn't it?" He points at Danny.
"It-uhhh...." Danny stutters. I have never heard him stutter like this.

How could I ever be so stupid to pull out my album with that shit in there?

"Were you there?" My dad asks pointing fingers at the both of us now.
"Answer me! Were you in that car?!" He adds.
I have no idea what to say, neither does Danny.
"I was fine, we were fine." I try to make it less dramatic than it seems.
"You crashed a car with my daughter in it?!" My dad starts to lose it. He pushes Danny, to get an answer out of him, but Danny feels attacked, reflecting the same energy as my dad now.
"It was an accident! I didn't do it on purpose!" He yells back.
"Stop!" I scream. I don't know my dads powers, but I know he was in the army. I feel powerless.
"You piece of filth! You could've killed her!" Dad continues.

"What the hell is going on in here?" I hear the high pitch tone of my mother sound as we all turn her way.

P.B.S. 05/15/2024

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