Chapter 12 Julia?

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TW: D3pr3ssion and language

I lie in bed, with my phone next to me on my pillow.
"Alrightie, I have to go. Gotta record a video to have one ready to edit, also going to call Nick." Arny interrupts. We have been talking for a while about their time in college, which they both left. They both went to different schools, but hated it the same way.
"Yeah, talk to you later. Say hi to Nick for me!" Danny says.
"Who is Nick?" I mumble staring at the ceiling.
"Another one of these weirdos." Danny answers me chuckling. I didn't really realize I said that out loud. I chuckle with him.
"Facts. Bye, Ann!" Arny says and hangs up.

Now the two of us were left, just Danny and me, just like two nights ago.
"So, now that we're alone, how are you actually doing. And no bullshit, please." He starts.
"I don't know," I start. "I still feel a little shitty, but-. Just the same." I correct myself, still staring at the ceiling in thoughts hoping to be able to identify how I feel.
"Well, anyways," he continues, suggesting a new topic. I know he didn't mean it in a rude way, he just didn't know what to say.
"I was thinking about coming over this weekend again. You can also come here or we'd meet halfway. Only if you want..." He struggles asking me.
"I'd love to. I lost my bus pass and my new one will be delivered in two weeks, but I could ask my mom to bring me-" I agree and start thinking along.
"No I'll drive to you, it's no big deal, I don't need you making so much effort when I have a car.
"So, will this be a group thing again? You, me and Arny?" I ask him. I wouldn't mind, they are both really nice.
"If you'd be fine with it, I thought Arny could tag along?"
"Sure." I answer. A silent moment is felt.
"You really chill with it? You're not lying, right?"
"Why would I be lying?" I answer honestly.
"I'd be uncomfortable as the newbie, but I'm heavily introverted."
"Me too, but I know you guys, you are both introverted which makes it less bad."
"We were first thinking of going somewhere to shop, like me, Arny, Nick and Pete, who is also a friend. But I could cancel..."
"Oh, you don't need to cancel plans." I say politely.
"I could invite them, and Julia. So you won't be the only girl, you know." He tries making me confortable at the fact. However, the oposite happens. Julia? Who is Julia? I think to myself frowning. Did he have a girlfriend?
"Who- who's Julia? One of your friends?" I ask him.
"Don't worry you'll like her. And she'll like you." He said, but it was not the answer I hoped for. I'm afraid to ask him if it was his girlfriend, not for if he'd ask me if I liked him, but afraid of the answer. For the first time I feel like I'm in love, actually being attracted to someone. I know it shouldn't be happening, but I don't know if I can fight my feelings for love if I couldn't even fight those bad ones.

After a long silence he speaks up.
"So, Ann, how was your day?" He asks me smoothly in a deep and british accent.
"Uhhh," I hestitate responding to that question.
"Oh my God, that slipped out. Don't say anything." He says embaressed.
"My day was fine." I laugh.
"Are you sure? You seemed kind of stressed earlier." He asks doubtful.
"I was. But it was no big deal." I say, trying to switch to a different topic.
"So, how long is Arny staying? He lives in Miami right?"
"Until next week." He answers. I sense the fact he doesn't believe my answer of being fine, which was right.
"I was thinking we could go out for lunch, catch a movie, anime of course, and hang out? Like, saturday?" He asks me.
"I have to work on saturday, but I'll leave early." I agree.
"Great, pick you up at eleven?" He suggests.
"Sure." I answer cool. Although I do not want my mom to know I'm going out.
"Okay, so it'll be me, you, Julia, Pete, Nick and Arny. I'll make another groupchat." He says. This is the exact moment I do get nervous. Those were actually a lot of people I don't know.
"Okay." I say to him.

He starts inviting everyone. It was kind of exciting, a group thing.
"Also, I found this app where we can stream a series and watch it together at the same time. Do you want to do that tonight?" Danny suggests. "You'll have to download it on your computer." He adds. I instantly get up and grab my laptop from my desk.
"What's it called?" I ask hyped up.
"Share it" He answers.
I type it in the search bar and click on the download button. This was such a comfy thing to do. When I think about him having a girlfriend already I get a weird feeling, not exactly jealous, more shitty.

"I have it." I say and we exhange codes. He shares his screen with netflix, I sit up and we both turn on our camera. He was wearing a black shirt again, sitting against a wall. His white, fluffy hair falling next to his face, the chocolate brown eyes, glanstering at the camera, making me feel butterflies again. I put on a small light, giving a pretty aesthetic vibe. This was so romantic, but after hearing the name Julia, it feels different. Before he starts the Miraculous Ladybug Movie I try to get something clear.
"So how did you meet your friends?" I ask interested.
"Well, I don't know, most of them online. Through social media and all. But if what you want to know how I met Julia..." He teases.
"That's not what I asked-" I defend myself.
"But it is where you wanted to go. Am I right?" He goes over into his deep british voice again, but I hear he can't stay in character as I hear him wheeze in the background.
"Oh shut up!" I yell at my camera.
"We're not dating. Me and Julia. I'm so single, I don't even know how to talk romanticly without trying to be funny." He says chuckling in his own voice again, without accent. His head became red.
"I wasn't asking th-" I try again.
"Oh please, keep your excuses. Anyways, we can watch this or do you have any suggestions? We can't watch anime yet, not without Arny. I promised him we wouldn't." He says. I hate how see-through I am. Or maybe, he just had that ability to.
"Miraculous Ladybug is fine." I answer chill. I reach for the charger on my nightstand, plugging it in, because I know this video call is not going to end soon.
We sit back and relax, but I'm having quite some trouble focussing on the movie screen, when Danny is right next to it.

P.B.S. 03/19/2024

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