Chapter 17 Gamer Girl

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TW: D3pr3ssion and language

The next day I had to go to school. And although I felt better after telling my mom, I still didn't feel fine.

Today, was one of the days I wouldn't feel anything but shitty. School was boring, as usual I got send out of class again for texting my friends and got yelled at by a bunch of guys. I have not learned a single new thing today, I might as well just go home.

Mom wasn't home anyways so I could just flop onto my bed and fall asleep. After a few hours I woke up to my phone buzzing in my hand. Arny was calling me. Why would he possibly be calling me? I think to myself.
I pick up the call and wait for him say something. Maybe he had just called me by accident.
"Hey. Ann? Is this you?" He speaks.
"Yeah. Hi. What did you call me for?" I answer and express my curiousity.
"Oh, just wanted to know how you were doing."

I know exactly what his goal was, he was worried.

"Danny told you I got fired, didn't he?" I question directly, but I already knew the answer.

Arny stutters, trying to save Danny from being snitched.
"Ah-N-No, I was just checking on you... But hold on- You got fired?" He changed the subject acting mildly shocked. Although it was obvious.

"He told you. Drop the act and admit it." I command.
"Fine. Are you doing okay?" He says.
"I'm good. Little done with school, but fine." I answer.
"Good. You'll find a new job. Don't tell Danny about this though." He says reassuring, but guilty.
I chuckle. "Don't worry, I won't."
"How is your day going?" Arny asks.
"Meh..." I answer.
"Ohhhhh." Arny says. "What happened?" He adds to it.
"Nothing much, just same old school shit. I got send out of class first, 'cause I was texting, then I got yelled at by a bunch of guys and to put the cherry on top I'm probably going to yelled at again when my mom comes home, because she got a call that I was skipping classes. How was your day?" I ask jokingly.

Arny is silent for a moment and then goes "Dayummmnnn, girl. You got the whole fun-package." He mocks me.
"Mhm. Anyways, what did you do today?" I show interest.
"The normal, walk my dogs, make videos, got some groceries, called Danny and now calling you. I'm planning on going live later today." 
I nod, knowing fully aware he can't see me since we aren't video-calling.
"But- why did you get yelled at by a group at school?"
"I don't know." I say coldly. "They weren't even screaming happy-birthday to me..." I mumble to myself.

Shit, snitched myself now.

"Yeah, that's because I don't want anyone to know. So if you'd please keep this between us."
"You know I can't do that." Arny resists.
"You've had a shit day, being treated like shit, got fired this week, can't even hang out with your boyfriend and nobody knows it's your birthday. Girl, no wonder you feel miserable." He sums up.
"I like that you care, but really-" I am interrupted by a message on my phone.

Danny: Happy Birthday!!!

"You've texted him while talking to me? Boy you're slick!" My tone sounds jokingly pissed.
"Don't be mad." Arny chuckles.

To Danny's text I reply: Thanks.
Danny: Movie/hang out later?
Me: Sure

The moment I sent that text I hear the garage door open, my mom is home, time for the party.
"Gotta go. Bye, Arny!" I whisper.
"Bye birthday-girl." He says and hangs up.

I get up, having a mild backpain. As I get out of my room I see my mom in the hallway, carrying a box with cake. But her face wasn't cheerful at all. Dissapointment.

"Why'd you skip class again?" She sighed. She was so done with my behavior, quite frankly so am I, but that doesn't change the way I feel, nor does it effect my actions.
"I was tired." I answer without showing any emotion. I just couldn't care less.
"Then just call me, now I got a school call and everything, I was worried." She tells me making a 'sad parent' face.
"Okay." I say in a way to end the conversation.
"I got you a cake..." She says, showing the box.
"Great." My voice sounds sarcastic.
"Wow, I'll get a cake for you again." She rolls her eyes.
I sigh and get plates for us. After an awkward time at the table, we finish up and I go back into my room. I text Danny I have time to call.

"Hey, birthday-girl. How is your day?" He says enthousiastic, putting on that beautiful smile of his, something I really needed to see right now.
"Hey. It was okay." I answer. Lying today wasn't an option. He'd see right through me anyways.
"Oh goddamn it-" I hear him yell.
"What?" I say concerned.
"I have posted a video on TikTok, for the third time and it got taken down again."
"Why? Is it the name-spelling again?"
I have seen the videos where he reacts to the comments calling him 'Daddy' instead of Danny. Sometimes his reaction can be a little offensive, so actually not surprising at all that it got taken down.
"Yes, because people are still doing it." He says embarressed.
"But why did you have a bad day?" Danny turns back to our conversation, in these moments it was pretty clear he had ADHD, he can never stay on topic.
"School. And I'm not with you." I sigh.
"I know, but in two weeks we'll have the convention. I can't wait to see you again." He starts to get excited.
"What are you going to be wearing?"
"I don't know, I've never been to something like that." I confess.
"Well, if you're planning on going in jeans and a t-shirt, you're not."
"What do I have to wear then? Cosplay? Because I've never done that before..." I get a little nervous.
"Everyone is going to do cosplay. You should join our group project. It's My Heroes Academia." Danny gets even more excited and tries to talk me into it.
"Who would I be?" I ask in doubt.
"Well, I'm going as Kacchan, obviously, Arny as Deku and Pete wanted to do a different cosplay. So Todoroki is still open, I know that's your favorite character."

I hestitate.

"But, then I'd be cosplaying a guy... Wouldn't that be weird?"
That was probably a wrong question to ask a 20 year old who makes TikToks in a maids dress.
"If it makes you uncomfortable, you shouldn't do it. Otherwise, don't let anyone stop you."
"I'll take Torodoki then. Just have to buy the costume and wig... I can get that on Amazon right?"
"Yeah, they'll have it."
"Anywaysssss~" I switch topics, "do you want to watch a movie? Or play a game?"
"You play games? Since when?" Danny is surprised, but I guess I don't look like a 'gamer-girl'.
"Like 3 years ago, I'm just not online that much lately. I play Fortnite, Content Warning, Helldivers..." I sum up to prove my knowlegde.
His eyes widen.
"Do you want to play Helldivers?"
"Sure." I answer.

As I start up my computer and we switch to the computer microphones we continue playong for a few hours. Danny kept on screaming in the background, it was hilarious. Later on, Arny even joined, along with Stella, one of his other friends.

This made me feel so much better than how this day started off.

Untill 10 pm I'm still hanging out with them, even joining their discord server.

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