Chapter 3 Just Let It Out

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TW: D3pr3ssion and language

He comes back into the livingroom and says: "So Ann, what do you want to eat?"
"I'm not really hungry-"
"That's what I thought, I'll make you some toast."
A few minutes later he comes back with some toast.
I take a mini bite from the toast, but I'm still naussious.
"What's your name?" I start.
"Why? Are you going to google me on 'most populair serial killers'?" He asked me. How can he be so rude and intimitating, but charming at the same time?
"I never said I wasn't." I go with his sarcasm. He chuckles as his slight smile came out.
"Danny, but it's Daniel for you. I gotta call that friend back, he was kind of concerned." He says as he stands up and walks to the counter, reaching for the back-up phone. I secretly put the toast on the coffee table in front of tge couch, I didn't dislike it, I just don't feel like eating right now. Danny types in a number and sits back on the couch next to me, waiting for his friend to pick up his videocall. He picks up. I try to keep my head awake as I'm still keeping me to Danny's promise.
"Hey, Danny." His friend says nice, but goes over into a whole different tone.
"I need context." He adds seriously.
"Yeah, uhhh, so long story short. This girl was uhhh, she uhhh-" he falls over his words. I look at him with an embarresed shaking my head, hoping he won't tell his friend, Arny the truth.
"I don't want the short story again. I need context. First off, where's your phone?" He tries asking him again.
"Yeah, so I kind of lost that in the river nearby." He stops, because what kind of reason was he going to give for that?
"Okay, now I definetly need context." He jokes.
"Fine, I was at this bridge, you know, the one where we filmed a tiktok once." Danny starts explaining, I know there was only one way this story could go. What if he actually snitched me?
"There was this girl. And uhh, she uhh-" Danny looks at me, he knows I don't want him to tell his friend.
"Oh my god! She didn't try to-? Did she?" Arny yells in a whisper tone in shock. Danny's eyes get bigger and bigger, he looks at me again. Feeling guilty for not telling a story that wasn't his to tell. He doesn't know what to say, because it was his best friend, he wouldn't want to keep secrets from him.
"Did you jump after her? Oh my god, ofcourse you did. That's why you lost your phone, and I needed to make that call-. Is she okay?" He continues talking in complete shock.
"We'll talk about this tomorrow okay? You're still coming over, right?"
"Yeah, yeah I got the ticket already." Arny assures him.
"Great, I'll keep you posted." Danny ends the videocall.

"I'm sorry that he knows, but he's my best friend, he won't tell anyone. But, we're gonna need to talk." He starts and puts the phone down. I avoid Danny's eyes, not wanting the confrontation.
"You lied to your mom earlier, on the phone. Yeah, I heard that." His face is serious and rude, but he had the right to know. However, I hated this kind of confrontation.
"I could tell you all kinds of shit, but I'm not gonna, so back the fuck off." I snap at him. I have no idea what I'm doing. Normally I don't even talk to guys, so having one 'saving' me and trying to know me at my worst isn't really my best socialization.
"You can talk to me like that, you can leave right now if you want, I need you to know that I'm not forcing you to tell me anything. But for my sake I really need to know. So get the fuck out, or start talking." He told me in a soft commanding tone. I'm not used to anyone speaking to me like that, I'm probably not even used to anyone speaking to me at all. I get uncomfortable and even without having any controle on it, I feel my eyes fill themselves with water. I'm fucked, emotionally, this morning was way too heavy. I try resisting the tears from rolling down, not making it obvious, but that was a failed task for sure.

Danny notices me getting chocked up. Without asking he grabs me and doesn't let go. I want to push myself away, but his grip is strong, making me feel a pressure I didn't know I needed. It releases my emotions without my permission. I start crying uncontrolably. All of it was coming out, all of those things I had bottled up for so long, all those things I wanted to throw right off that bridge with me. I put my arms around him, I didn't want to lose this feeling. It was like he was a key, unlocking my soul. "It's okay. I know. Just let it out." He whispers. I smell a slight spray of cinnamon and vanilla cologne, realizing that that smell will become this memory, me in the arms of a stranger I met just 2 hours ago. I can't believe having a complete stranger in my arms would give me such satisfaction. Maybe I would have this feeling with anyone treating me like this, any random person, but why did no one do so? How could no one see I was hurting like this? Such a simple task, seeing and acting, but so hard to put into action. I'm not blaming anyone, I do blame myself, for anything possible.

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