Chapter 5 Miraculous Ladybug

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TW: D3pr3ssion and language

I go back into the livingroom, where I go sit on the couch in exhaustion. I don't understand why I'm so tired. Danny looks arouns the corner raising his eyebrows, curious to know what I told my mom.
"What?" I ask him.
"What did you tell her where you are?"
I shake my head. "No, I can't." I say with an ashamed face.
"Does she know about it? Like at all?" He asks me while putting a plate in one of the drawers.
"No." More I just simply don't have to say. Why would you ever tell someone something like that. There would never be a right timing. You don't just start that conversation, there are a thousand reasons why in my head.
"Do you want to?" He asks. Ofcourse I wanted to get those heavy words of my chest, but putting them on somebody elses shouldn't happen It wouldn't do anything but making them feel bad. I don't answer.
"Do you want to talk to me about it yet? I would like it if someone who didn't know me personally could hear me out, you know." He suggests and puts another plate in the dishwasher. He was right. I know exactly what he meant, but I just don't want to put this on anyone, on the other hand, I really needed someone to know. I get mad at myself, why was I always like this, why was my head always like this? Fighting against itself, not able to make a choice.
"No." I decide. He was a stranger, you don't tell strangers what is going on in the deepest void of your soul.
"Alright. Well, I do want to talk to you. About tomorrow  I was thinking I'd drive you back in the morning." He puts the last plate in the dishwasher and walks towards the couch, makes a jump over it, throwing himself next to me. "You really don't have to drive me all the way back-" I say as he cut of my words. "No, I am. I will." He says in a tone that is not to be argued with. "Is your house far?"
"Mhm." I give him an awkward look. "2 hours from here." I add. Danny looks shocked. "2 hours?! What the hell were you doing all the way here? You drove 2 hours in a bus to goddamn-. Sorry, I just don't get why you'd do that." He sighs. He gets frustrated over the fact that I tptally lost myself. And frankly, I am too. My puffy eyes can't even have a break. I started crying softly, trying not to get Danny to notice.
"I-I don't know what I thought. I called in sick for work and just left. I just- I didn't want it anymore." Yet again, I start bawling my eyes out. Danny must be so done with this emotional wreck in his house. I hide my embarrased face in the palms of my hands.
"Can I use your bathroom?" I ask him, trying to escape this moment.
"No."  He says in a strict way. I'm too shy to remove my hands from my face, but confused with his answer.
"I'm not letting a girl cry in my bathroom, I want you to talk to me." He says in a caring tone, however it sounds mean and snappy. He was pushing it.
"Normally, I don't hug strangers I only know for a few hours, however, normally I also don't have crying strangers on my couch. So come here. Only if you want to though." He opens his arms. I'm way too shy to just take that. "Come on." He gently grabs my wrists, trying to remove my hands from my face. His chocolate brown puppy eyes look me sweet in the eyes. His eyes are perfect, to drown in. His fluffy white hair falling next to his face. "I know what girls like, even if I don't know them. We can watch a movie, I'll get some candy, hold you and afterwords I'll show you your room. Does it sound like a plan?" He tries making me comfortable.
"And I know," he starts talking in his making-fun-of-myself baby voice "Danny, why are you being so cozy and sweet?" He changes back into his normal voice. "Well, you need it." 

He gets up and goes into the kitchen. A few seconds later he comes back with 3 chocolate bars, some gummy bears and chips. The small black dog, Uki, jumps around the couch, unfortunatly, she's too small to get on it. Danny looks at her and picks her up. Uki starts rolling around in my blanket, trying to make herself a nest, with succes.

Danny turns on the tv, clicks the Netflix and asks me what my favorite series is. "I don't really mind. You watch something you like."
He looks at me, I was simple for him. He turns on an animated series, Miraculous Lady Bug. "When I'm down, this is always my go to. If you make fun of it, you leave." He chuckles, but I know he was secretly serious. Then he starts looking at me.
"You do know this series right?" He asks me.
I look at him, not wanting to confess.
"Yeah, I mean... I've heard of it-"
"Nooooooooo." He pouts. "You didn't just say that. Are you kidding?"
I don't dare to say anything, he was clearly dissapointed. Not lying, it looks pretty funny.
"Wha- Where is your childhood?" He asks me struggling in a confuzed way.
"I honestly do not remember." I answer.
"Childhood memory loss too?" He keeps digging in questions with a joking smile. I nod.
"Yeah, I don't remember shit."
"Me neither, probably why I'm still a fucking kid." He says, and looks to the tv, frowning his eyebrows in stupidity. He made fun of himself, self-hate was definetly one of the sources of his dark jokes. I chuckle, he was pure, like he didn't give a shit about what people think of him. He would have been one of those kids at school everyone would think they're too cool to talk to.

I stare at him, while he watches the tv. His eyes are to drown in. Danny is complicated guy, I can't place him in one certain square. He was all kinds of personalities together. Caring, tough, sweet, intimitating, rude-. The list can keep going forever as I try to figure him out. However, despite the toxic descriptions I use to describe him, I experience a feeling in my stomach which I can't identify. I have never been in love, never have I felt such a stunning, though confusing storm in my stomach. Was I-. Was I falling in love with him? Falling would definetly be a word for that weird unsetteling happening in my body. I don't want to fall in love, it would be a nice thing to be able to feel, but another thing in my head spinning around like a carousel? Do I have a choice in this? Or does it just happen. As I look at Danny, I fall asleep again, letting my head lean against his shoulder.

Hope you enjoyed! Drink water, eat food, take care of yourself!
P.B.S. 03/08/2024

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