Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I could see it so clearly, the beautiful decorations covering the entire house, inside and out. Lights twinkling gently as they reflected off of glass ornaments. Ribbons and garland wrapped around the railings and hanging from archways. The smell of the pine tree filling the house as music played gently in the background.

Everything was so perfect.

"You look wonderful, Love." A soft voice whispered from behind me, lips brushing against my neck. I could feel Eli's arms wrap around my waist, so careful not to put pressure on the baby. He was always so very gentle.

"I love you, Eli." I smiled, resting my hands above his as I felt our baby move.

"Ahh Shina. Poor Sweet Shina. I'm not Eli." I felt frozen at those words, the world around me shattering as everything became drenched in blood.

No.... No.... Not my Eli. Please, not him. Never him. Don't kill him, please Leon.



I shot upright in bed, sweat drenching my body. A nightmare. Please let it just be a nightmare.

"ShInA~... Sweet SWEET Shina.... I missed you SOOOO much..... I bet you missed me too, didn't you My Shina......" I closed my eyes tightly as I heard Leon's broken voice wash over me, my hands clenching in a mix of fear and dispair.

"Please.... Please don't hurt my baby...... Please Leon.... Not my baby...... Don't take that away from me too...." I could feel the tears burn trails down my cheeks as I began to sob softly.

"ShInA~.... Why would I EvEr hurt Our Baby~?"



I awoke to pain, everywhere. My body, my mind, my heart.... Everything hurt. That man had stolen my Love away from me. I'd failed to keep her safe from him... But I would not fail to get her back.

Ever so slowly, I forced my eyes to open. I couldn't waste time laying here. My Precious Shina needed me.

"He's waking up! Get the doctor! Hurry!"

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