Chapter Thirty-Four

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I finally felt alive again, my hope renewed. I'd finally found someone who had seen her, who remembered seeing her sleeping inside of a car parked at a nearby store. It had only been a chance glimpse as they walked by, but it was enough to shake me to the core.After months of searching, I had finally found the trail again.

And I had a feeling that I was close, very close, to finding my Shina.


There had only been a couple of sightings of My Shina, it seems. But I'd gotten the information I needed. I'd finally found out who had taken my beloved doll from me. I might not know where he was keeping her, but I finally had the name of the garbage that had dared lay hands upon what was mine. It was just a matter of time before I found them.

With a soft kiss to the scars on my forearm, I walked out of the alley as the trash left behind finally stopped twitching.


So, this is where he lives.... Who would have guessed she would have attracted the eye of someone so wealthy... But then again, I am talking about my beautiful, perfect Shina. How could they not fall in love with her? But garbage is garbage, no matter how much money they have. I had been able to find out he had brought her here, but had left again with her as soon as she had been seen by a doctor.

He'd been such a kind doctor too, treating Shina's wounded hands. And the salve he had given Elijah to put on each day when he changed her bandages. Didn't he know it should have been me changing the wraps, me spreading the salve on her soft skin, me getting to touch her all this time?

Still, he had been such a kind man. Sadly he hadn't known where my Shina had been taken after he'd treated her, all he knew was that Elijah had put her back in his car and driven off, leaving his whereabouts known only by a few trusted workers.

That left me with the problem I now faced. Finding out where he had gone from here, without letting him know I was following him. I needed to start planning carefully from here. I had to find out who knew where that garbage had taken my innocent doll before he dirtied her any more than he likely already had.

Don't worry my sweet Shina, I'll save you from him.

My Sweet Shina - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now