Chapter Ten

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I needed to find Shina. Where was she? I called out to her but she didn't answer.

I walked up and down the halls, searching. Why was she hiding from me? Didn't she know it was useless? I would find her. I always found her, even if she didn't realize it. I called out again, louder than before.

This was starting to upset me. She should be where I could see her, not hiding away from me like a scared rabbit. I shouted her name before I could stop myself, only afterwards realizing that I was likely scaring her more than she already was.

That wouldn't do. Not at all. Perhaps a different approach was needed. Something gentler perhaps. Thinking this I called out again, softer and sweeter sounding. But still no answer.

I was almost ready to turn down a hallway and move elsewhere when I heard it. Just barely, but I heard it, the muffled sounds of whimpers. My poor love was crying. She must not understand. I should really say something so she doesn't have to worry like this anymore. Reaching out, I began turning the doorknob, soothing words passing my lips as I gently opened the door.

There she was, my beautiful, sweet, innocent doll! My poor Shina. Don't worry, you don't need to cry anymore! I'll never let you leave my side again! I'll protect you! I'll always protect you! I will love you forever and ever and ever! And "I just don't plan on ever letting you go, My SwEeT ShInA~!!!"

My Sweet Shina - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now