Chapter Thirty-Six

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 I'd spent weeks slowly working my way into their midst. Getting to know them. Learning their habits and quirks. Learning their secrets.

And ever so slowly beginning to earning their trust. I would find out what I needed to know, one way or another.

But it was getting hard to stay patient with how much time this was taking.


It took me nearly two months  to find out who knew Shina's whereabouts.Two months that she was kept away from me. I could feel the rage within me burning as I slowly pushed my knife further into his stomach.

"Tell me what I want to know and I'll make the pain stop." I spat the words at him. Every second he refused to talk was another second I was away from my beloved Shina.

"I refuse," he gasped out in pain. I scowled at the words as he shook his head, blood trickling slowly from the cuts on his face.

"Fine. Looks like I get to play some more then. But just so you know... You will end up telling me what I want to know. Everyone does."


I could feel my happiness burning in the scars on my body where I had carved her name again and again. I couldn't believe it had been so very long since I had seen her.

Far too long. But oh, this would be a wonderful gift for her, to see me again at her side!

And it should be just in time for Christmas!

My Sweet Shina - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now