Chapter Nineteen

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Changing points of view in this chapter



I was so happy! It took a few weeks to get enough trust built up, even after he had fogiven me. And boy had he forgiven me! I still had a few love bites left, even after this long. But more importantly, today was the first day in over a month that Leon was going to take me outside for a date! There was a summer fair happening and I got to go! I wonder if we would get to ride the ferris wheel again?



I could barely take my eyes off Shina as she moved around the room, grabbing things she wanted to bring with her on our date. I was taking a chance with her, taking her outside again, but I needed to know I could trust her again. My thoughts froze as I saw her bending over in front of me to grab her purse. Quickly reaching out and pulling her into my lap, I decided it couldn't hurt to put a few more marks on her body. After all, I had to make sure the garbage would know she was already taken.

I smirked as I heard the soft moans escape from her mouth as I bit down on her pale skin.-



I smiled brightly at Leon as we walked down the sidewalk, glancing quickly at the small bruise I had left on his neck before looking back up into his eyes. After all, I had to do something to let the trash know he was taken. Leon was, is and always would be mine. It had been well worth the bruises on my sides to leave that mark on his neck.

Finding out how nicely he reacted to a little biting was a nice bonus.



After we got to the fair, I couldn't help but notice all the garbage walking down the lanes. Couldn't they tell when someone was taken? Were the marks I left still not enough for them? Hearing the remarks a few of them were making about my Shina, I began looking around, noting the areas people seemed to avoid going. Yes, that one could work. That could work very well indeed. And look, there was even a dumpster nearby.

I spent the next hour with Shina, taking her on a few rides and buying her popcorn, before I excused myself for a few minutes. Kissing her softly, I turned and walked back towards the entrance.

After all, I really didn't want to leave the garbage standing around for too much longer. Garbage really should be put where it belongs.


I threw the paper towel away as I left the washroom, turning to find Shina standing a little ways down the lane. I hurried to her and grabbed her hand, kissing her softly on the cheek before turning my head towards her ear.

"Shina, love, you missed a spot." I whispered, leaning in to lick the drop of red from her cheek. "There, all better!"



We'd spent hours going on various rides, watching the sun slowly move across the sky before we decided to take a break and have lunch at a nearby cafe. It was on the way back that I saw someone I hadn't seen in forever.

"Hey Leon, isn't that Ahi?" I pointed over at the familiar girl before she turned the corner and was out of sight. "But who was that guy with her?" I looked over at him to see him shrug.

"No clue. Haven't seen anyone with hair that red before. But really, who cares anyhow. I'd much rather get back to our date. And if you insist on talking about other people.... I might have to do something to remind you who you belong to." His voice dropped with each word until all that I could hear was a soft sound like poisoned honey filling my head with remembered thoughts of bare skin and sharp teeth.

I could feel his breath on my neck as he leaned down, his teeth grazing my skin before he pulled back to tug me back towards the fairgrounds. The rest of the day was a blur of noisy crowds, fast rides, and whispered promises of things to come.



I barely even noticed the fireworks bursting behind us as I took advantage of the slow moving ferris wheel. I was going to enjoy the extra time I paid for up at the top with MY sweet Shina.

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