Chapter Twenty

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I woke up to see Leon packing my suitcase, a happy smile on his face. I slowly sat up, filled with curiosity. Was everything ok? Had something happened? We hadn't gone anywhere since the festival last year and I was sure if he had planned on taking me somewhere with him, he would have told me.

"Leon? Is everything ok?" I asked hesitantly. Glancing up, he flashed me a bright smile before turning back to his task.

"Everything is perfect! I just wanted to surprise you! I'm taking you on a trip for the weekend! Three days in the mountains, just you and me! Doesn't that sound nice?" I couldn't help smiling at his energetic voice. Getting out of bed, I began helping Leon with the suitcase, repacking the clothing so it fit better inside the limited space.

"That sounds lovely, Honey. What else should we bring with us?" I began humming softly as I folded the shirts and pants he was handing me, not seeing how his face brightened with my words.



Hearing her call me Honey filled me with warmth. Even after being together for so long, this was the first time she had called me by a nickname. God but she made me so happy! She really was the right choice for me. And I couldn't wait for the surprise I had in store for her. It would be so perfect, just like her.



"It hurts! Please stop, it hurts so much!" I could barely squeeze the words past the tears and laughter. I couldn't believe he got away with it, looking behind us at the black smoke rising into the air from just beyond the cliff. I managed to stifle my laughter as I remembered how the trash had been trying to flirt with my Leon, pulling up beside him so one of them could try and lean out to steal a kiss. The look on their faces when he had taken the chance to drive them off the road had been perfect. Feeling the road become rough, I opened my eyes again to see he had pulled off down a small dirt road leading into a heavily wooded area.

"Are you ok, Shina?" I could hear the concern in his voice as he turned off the car. "You're face is getting rather red."

Slowly turning to face him, I crawled into his lap and grabbed his shirt, pulling him into a desperate and hungry kiss. I growled softly when I felt his hands come up to grasp my hips, squeezing as he pulled me closer to him.



I was still smirking when I pulled the car in front of the cabin I'd found for us to stay in. I'd driven over the previous day to make sure it would remain... Unoccupied during our stay. The previous renters had payed to stay until the following weekend but I felt that would be pushing our welcome a bit too much. On a happy note, they had left the cabin well stocked with food and other supplies we might need during our stay.

I pulled our suitcases out of the back seat of the car, smiling at Shina when she turned to me.

"I still don't understand how you broke the lock on the trunk." She chuckled at me and started walking towards the cabin door.

"I know... Hopefully it doesn't start smelling too much before we head back home or I might have to 'borrow' someone else's car." I glanced quickly at the red stain around the edges of the trunk before turning to join Shina as she entered the cabin.



I could barely contain my happiness when I saw the lake shimmering in the moonlight. It was so perfect, the water gently lapping at my toes as I stood at the edges of the shore. I sighed happily when I felt Leon's warm chest against my back, his arms slowly sliding around my waist.

"How do you feel about going for a swim with me?" He softly breathed the words past my ear. I leaned back against him as I giggled at the idea.

"You know we didn't bring swimsuits, right?" I reminded him gently, feeling him shifting behind me.

"Who needs clothing to swim in a lake?" I could feel his hands grabbing my already bruised hips as his words brought a blush to my cheeks. I was about to respond when we both heard splashes from the other side of the lake, ruining the mood rather swiftly.

Turning to look at Leon, we shared a quick look before moving back into the shadows of the trees, slowly making our way around the lake. Time to take care of some unexpected pests.


"Shina, you missed a spot." Leon whispered, pulling me further into the lake with him as he placed kiss after kiss on my skin. "Let me wash it off for you."

My Sweet Shina - Book Oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن