Ad meliora

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I wiped some sweat from my forehead.
I'm really out of shape.
I walked into a house, I went for a run.
It wasn't the best idea since it's almost a hundred degrees (F) outside.
I am not a summer person.

I've got two more weeks of school coming up, then the summer vacation begins. I already applied for the lifeguard job and they hired me.
I'm going to do the job in your place Rose.
I've lost 4 pounds in the past 2 weeks, I've been running a lot. Trying to up my stamina. I'm going to need it on the job.

I headed upstairs to take a cold shower.
It burns more calories.

I heard my mom shout to me, at first I couldn't hear what she was saying.
But mom came inside the bathroom.
"Mom! Hello. Showering over here."
"Please, honey, I'm your mom, you have noting to be ashamed about."
"Well hurry."
"I just wanted to tell you that your dad closed a pretty big case, it was very successful and we wanted to celebrate. We're going to go out to dinner, it'd be nice if you came with us."
"Great, dad will make reservations in about 1,5 hours. Okay?"

I picked out a nice dress and some heels.
The restaurant wasn't far away.
"Wow, fancy." I said as we walked into the restaurant.
"The clients from the case were very generous, they practically begged me to let them pay for dinner."
My dad's always very proud when he wins a case.

We sat down at a corner table and looked at the menu's. My parents ordered fancy wine and I got 7-up with ice cubes. Good enough for a toast.
We had a delicious meal. I felt so full afterwards. I hate feeling so bloated.

"I can help."

A voice in my head surprised me.

I excused myself to the toilets. When I opened the door, I clashed into a girl.
"Ouch, Jeez, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I looked at the girl with a bit of worry. The door hit her pretty hard.
"I'm fine." She smiled, she must be okay.
The girl was beautiful, she had brown shiny hair. She looked thin, I was envious of her, even though I didn't know her.
"Gosh, you're Amy aren't you?"
I looked a bit surprised at the girl.
"Uhm yes I am, do I know you?"
"No, but I was close to Rose, she told me about you. I feel like I know you."
She smiled. She felt warm, she reminded me of Rose.
"Well I gotta go, see ya!"
She bolted, but a fragrance of her perfume lingered. Gucci guilty.

I walked into a stall. I don't know what happened, I threw up. I felt sick.
I blacked out.
My finger was in my throat.
"Feels better, doesn't it Amy?"

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