MW3 - Soap...

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“Blood Brothers”
October 11, 2016
Mission 30 – 07:01:33
Task Force 141 - Disavowed
Prague, Czech Republic

As time passes since the infiltration, the clock on the hotel fast forwards from 10pm to 6am. Later it is 7am, Makarov still has not arrived for his meeting.

Soap :Which vehicle will he be in?

Yuri :They constantly rotate for security. We won't know until he steps out.

Soap :You seem to know a lot about Makarov.

Soap and Yuri still wait in the church tower.

Price :Alpha One, radio check, over.

Soap :Bravo One, copy. We're dug in with line of sight.

Price: Right. Kamarov's our eyes and ears inside the hotel. Once he gives us the nod, we'll kick this off. What do you see?

Soap :Bugger-all, mate. Looks like Makarov's late for his own funeral.

Price :Sit tight until we can get a clean shot. Then you can put as many rounds on him as you like.

Soap :It'll only take one.

Ghost :I'll give him another one mate.

The scene changes to Ghost and Price on top of the hotel rooftops waiting to go in. While Soap and Yuri are in the church tower overlooking the hotel where Makarov is suppose to be meeting. Ghost loads his gun. He hears vehicles moving.

Ghost :Price, we got vehicles inbound.

Price (using radio) :Heads up. Makarov's convoy is arriving now.

Soap (in radio) :I see it. Four armored vehicles. No visual on Makarov yet.

The vehicles drive up to the entrance of the hotel and stop.

Soap (in radio) :They're stopping in front of the hotel.

Ghost (using radio) :Probably him getting out.

Price (using radio) :Do you see him?

Soap (in radio) :Aye. There's the bastard. Third vehicle.

Makarov can be seen sitting behind the driver of the third vehicle. He speaks to the guard, and momentarily looks up at Soap and Yuri's direction.

Soap (in radio) :Shite. I think he's looking right at us.

Ghost (using radio) :Hold on mate. He's probably saw a bird.

The vehicles drive and pull in to the hotel's garage. The lead BTR pulls ahead of the garage entrance while the SUVs go in and the rear BTR then blocks the entrance.

Soap (in radio) :They're pulling in to the garage now.

Ghost (using radio) :Make sense.

Price (using radio) :Alright, Kamarov. You're up.

There's no response.

Price (using radio) :Kamarov, do you read me?

Ghost (using radio) :What the hell is he doing, taking a sh*t?

Soap (in radio) :Good one.

Price (using radio) :Doesn't matter. Makarov's here. We move forward with the plan. We're in position. Ready Ghost?

Ghost :Roger dodger. (Using radio) Soap.

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