MW2 - Cliffhanger

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August 11, 2016
Mission 16 - 07:35:51
Task Force 141
Tian Shan Range, Kazakhstan

The satellite tracks Captain "Soap" MacTavish and Ghost in the Tian Shan Mountains in Kazakhstan.

Captain MacTavish and Ghost are sitting on the edge of a cliff in the Tian Shan Mountains, taking a break. MacTavish looks up as he smokes his cigar, a Russian MiG takes off from the top of the cliff. MacTavish smiles at Ghost and tosses out his cigar.

Ghost :You just waste that one mate

Captain MacTavish :Break's over, Ghost. Let's go.

Ghost :Alright then.

He also tosses his cigar and follows MacTavish as they climb around the wall of the cliff. MacTavish pulls out his ice picks.

Captain MacTavish :Stay here and spot me. Wait for my go.

MacTavish starts climbing.

Ghost :Careful on stepping. You might "sleeped" mate.

Captain MacTavish :Shut up. All right, the ice is good. Follow me.

Ghost :Meh no fun.

Ghost pulls out his ice picks and begins to climb, following MacTavish. As they climb, a MiG flies off, almost knocking MacTavish off the cliff.

Ghost :You good mate?

Captain Mactavish :Im fine.

They continue to climb and make it to the top.

Captain MacTavish :Good luck, mate. I'll see you on the far side.

MacTavish runs and jumps off the edge of the cliff and makes it to the other side of the jump.

Ghost :Bloody hell.

Ghost runs and takes the jump, barely makes it, and starts to slip.

Ghost :Sh*t, f*ck!

Captain MacTavish :Ghost! Hold on! Don't let go!

Ghost holds on with one ice pick. He strains to hang on, but starts to fall.

Ghost :Sh*t im sliding down!

MacTavish slides down and grabs Roach's hand just in time.

Captain Mactavish :Thank me later mate.

He then throws Ghost up the wall. Ghost continues to climb and makes it to the top. He pulls out his signature weapon: the AK-12 (prototype), equipped with a Silencer, a Holographic Sight, and a Heartbeat Sensor attachment. MacTavish pulls out his M14 EBR, also equipped with a silencer and a heartbeat sensor. They climb up a path.

Captain MacTavish :Ghost, check your heartbeat sensor.

Ghost activates the heartbeat sensor, a small pulsing blue screen that shows a blue dot at the bottom.

Captain MacTavish :You should be able to see me on the scope. That blue dot is me. Any unrecognized contacts will show up as white dots.

Ghost :Roger that.

They begin to move towards the Russian base. As they move along the path, the heartbeat sensor blips two white dots on the top of the screen when they approach a two-man patrol.

Ghost :Contact's.

Captain MacTavish :These muppets have no idea we're here. Let's take this nice and slow. You take the one on the left. On three. One...Two...Three.

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