MW2 - Betrayal

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"Loose Ends"
August 15, 2016
Mission 22 - 15:36:11
Task Force 141
Georgian-Russian Border

The satellite analyzes the operations carried out by Task Force 141: the oil rigs, the gulag, and the 'Contingency' mission go offline.

Shepherd :It's been a tough week, gentlemen. We've lost more than we ever dreamed. But we will recover. I've got a blank check. And we're gonna use every cent of it killin' Makarov. Despite what the world may say, we are not savages, we don't kill civilians. We use precision. There's an evil man hiding in these shadows and we're gonna bring him into the light. Once his face is revealed, we will write history, gentlemen.

The satellite analyzes two possible locations of Vladimir Makarov: an estate at the Georgian-Russian Border in the Caucasus Mountains ("Suspected Makarov Safehouse") and a U.S. Vehicle Disposal Yard, or the "boneyard", in Afghanistan ("Suspected Makarov Arms Deal").

Shepherd :These are the last safe havens left on Earth for Makarov and his men.

Price :Sounds like we gotta be in two places at once.

Shepherd :Impossible?

Captain Price: Not for the One-Four-One.

Ghost: Fifty-fifty chance to take out Makarov, eh? Captain Price, request permission to take the safehouse with Soap.

Captain Price :Negative. Soap and I will take the boneyard in Afghanistan.

Ghost :Hmm...

Soap :Don't worry mate, i'll be fine.

Ghost :If you say so then.

Shepherd :Very well. We will cut off all avenues of escape. This ends now.

Captain Price :Strange. I coulda sworn we ended this war yesterday.

Ghost :So am I mate.

The satellite tracks Ghost in the Georgian-Russian Border in the Caucasus Mountains.

Roach, Ghost, and a group of Task Force 141 soldiers are in the Georgian-Russian Border in the Caucasus Mountains to capture Vladimir Makarov at his safehouse. Snipers Archer and Toad are crouched by the edge of the cliff.

Archer :Snipers in position.

Ghost :Strike team go. Engage Makarov on sight.

Scarecrow :Roger that.

Ozone :Solid copy.

Ghost :Let's go. Let's go.

The team moves into the woods, making their way to Makarov's safehouse. When they step over a grassy area, Bouncing Betty landmines jump out of the ground.

Ghost :AMBUSH!

Ghost prones just in time as the mine in front of him explodes, saving himself, but the rest of the mines kill many of the other members, not including Roach, Scarecrow, and Ozone. RPGs and gunfire rain down on the team.

Ghost :Targets! Right side! Right side!

Ghost fires to his left. Ghillied soldiers appear within the woods. The team engages.

Scarecrow & Ozone :Ambush!

Explosions land around the team.

Scarecrow :They've got this area presighted for mortar fire!

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