MW2 - Brazil

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August 13, 2016
Mission 17 - 15:08:18
Task Force 141
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The satellite tracked Private First Class Joseph Allen, labeled KIA in Moscow, Russia after Vladimir Makarov inflicted a terrorist attack on Zakhaev International Airport.

Ghost :The Russians ain't going to let this massacre go unanswered. It's going to get bloody.

Captain MacTavish :Too right, mate. Now, in the eyes of the world, they're the victims. No one's going to say a word when the Russians club every American they can reach.

The casualty list was uploaded, tagging Allen's profile and the crime scene was analyzed. Near Allen's body are the empty shells of the ammunition used in the assault being traced and analyzed.

Shepherd :Makarov was one step ahead. Now he's left thousands of bodies at the feet of an American.

Captain MacTavish :We're the only ones who knew that it was Makarov's op. Our credibility died with Allen. We needed proof.


Shepherd :Follow the shell.

The satellite traced the ammunition's origin to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and tracked Alejandro Rojas along with his assistant. Their profiles are shown.

Shepherd :Alejandro Rojas.

Ghost :Who the f*ck is this guy?

Captain MacTavish :Never heard of him, Sir.

Shepherd: You knew him as Alex the Red. He supplied the assault.

The satellite tracked Ghost in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Captain MacTavish :One bullet to unleash the fury of a whole nation. Which means...

Ghost :He's our ticket to makarov mate.

Satellite tracks Ghost in a car with Sgt. Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Captain MacTavish and the Driver are inside a car, tailing a white van, somewhere in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Captain MacTavish :Ghost, the plates are a match.

Ghost :Copy. Any sign of Rojas' right hand man?

Captain MacTavish :Negative. They stopped twice already - no sign of him.

The van stopped in front of a building.

Ghost :Wait. They stopped at that building. It better be him.

Two men got out of the white van and approached Rojas' assistant with their guns. The assistant walked up to them with his hands up.

Captain MacTavish :Got a positive ID! Whoever these guys are, they are not happy to see him...

Ghost (using radio) :Probably sh*t heads, who want's collect the money.

Captain Mactavish (using radio) :Nah.

Rojas' assistant catches them off guard and pulls a Desert Eagle out and fires on the two men. Another man came from behind the van and Rojas' assistant shot him.

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