MW - Hunted

6 1 0

Unknown Date, 2011
Mission 4 - 03:02:39
Western Russia
22nd SAS Regiment

The satellite tracks the Black Hawk carrying the S.A.S. team and Nikolai flying over western Russia, heading west towards Hamburg, Germany.

Gaz :We've got Nikolai! We're taking him to the safehouse in Hamburg! E.T.A., Oh-seven hundred hours! Out!

The Black Hawk is traveling across the countryside when suddenly the missile lock alert begins sounding and a Stinger missile begins to close in.

Ghost :Ahh...cap?

Captain Price :What the bloody hell is that?! Incoming missile! Hang on!

The helicopter is hit and begins to spin towards the ground.

Hammer Two-Six :Mayday mayday, this is Hammer 6-4, we are going down, I repeat, we are going down 2 miles south of Waypoint 5...

The helicopter crashes. Soap comes to having been thrown away from the chopper in the crash. Ghost sees him and sprints over, helping him up.

Ghost :You're still in one piece Soap. Get up.

The wrecked helicopter explodes, presumably from the fuel tank igniting.

Ghost :Come on, we need to get moving before the search parties get here.

Ghost and Soap run back to the survivors. Soap pulls out his M1911 and picks up an M4A1 at the wreck.

Captain Price :Casualty report.

Gaz :Paulsen and both pilots are dead, Sir.

Captain Price :Bugger... All right, the extraction point's not far from here. Let's move out.

Price, Gaz, Soap, Nikolai and Ghost begin to make their way towards the extraction point.

Baseplate (in comms) :Bravo Six, this is Baseplate. AC-130 Gunship support is on the way, but it will take some time before they will be in a position to assist, over.

Captain Price :Copy. Bravo Six, out.

Gaz :An AC-130, eh? Haven't worked with one of those in a while.

Ghost :Hmm...I never seen an AC-130 in action aye. Do you Soap?

Soap :I've only seen that a couple times.

Captain Price :Keep a low profile. Let's stay out of trouble.

They group up with a scout watching out for vehicles from behind a fence by the highway.

SAS :Sir, vehicles coming from the north.

Captain Price :Get under that bridge - move it.

They sprint to take cover under the bridge as a convoy speeds past. A helicopter with a search beam also arrives and flies overhead to scout the crash site.

Ghost :Good thing we already moved out from the crash site.

Captain Price :Alright, let's move.

They come across the back door of an old wooden garage. Russian voices can be heard from the other side of the building.

Ultranationalist 1 :Это место как свалка. Хахаха. (This place is a dump. Hahaha.)

Captain Price :Hold up. We've got company.

Price silently opens the door. The room is clear but looks out onto a farmyard. A group of Ultranationalists asks a farmer where the crash survivors are. One of them becomes aggressive on him.

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