MW - Blackout

15 1 0

Unknown Date, 2011
Mission 3 - 1:31:24
Caucasus Mountains, Russia

The satellite shows a video feed of Al-Asad executing President Al-Fulani in Saudi Arabia. President Al-Fulani - Status: EXECUTED

Gaz :Captain Price, Al-Asad just executed President Al-Fulani on national television.

Captain Price :The Americans have plans for Al-Asad. And it's too late to do anything for Al-Fulani. But in less than three hours code-name Nikolai will be executed in Russia.

Gaz :Nikolai sir?

Captain Price :Nikolai is our informant in the Ultranationalist camp. He supplied the intel on the cargo ship operation.

Ghost :Looks like this russian man has peak my interest.

The satellite uploads Nikolai's profile and tracks him in an Ultranationalist camp in the Caucasus Mountains. Objective: Rescue Nikolai.

Ghost :Did this nikolai guy, got caught by the russians.

Captain Price :Yeah, Nikolai's in hell right now. We're gonna walk him out... We take care of our friends. Let's move.

The satellite tracks Ghost in the Caucasus Mountains.

Captain Price, Gaz, Soap and Ghost gather in the Caucasus Mountains to rescue Nikolai.

Captain Price :The Loyalists are expecting us half a click to the north. Move out.

Gaz :Loyalists, eh? Ghost are those the good Russians or the bad Russians?

Ghost :The good one's if I remember correctly.

Captain Price :Well, they won't shoot us on sight, if that's what you're asking.

Gaz :Yeah well, that's good enough for me sir.

The team moves out to meet the Loyalists. They see a couple of guards.

Captain Price :Weapons free.

The two guards are killed.

Gaz :Got him.; Good night.; He's down.; One down.

Ghost :Soap wanna bet again?

Soap :Nah, maybe next time.

They move up to the guard house ahead. Inside are two guards watching the newscast of the events in the Middle East. Price tosses a flashbang through the door and they take out the two guards.

Captain Price :Good work. There should be a few more guard posts up ahead. Kamarov and his men will be waiting for us in a field to the northwest.

Ghost :Kamarov, huh?

They cross under a bridge and see two guard houses ahead. They stack up by the front house.

Ghost :Soap - plant some claymores in front of the door, then get their attention.

Soap plants a claymore by the door and steps back. He shoots at one of the guard's shadow and attracts their attention. When they leave the house, they activate the claymore. A few more guards step out from the other houses. They are all killed by ghost.

Ghost :Enemy down

Gaz :That's a kill.

They enter and come out of a house to a small field.

Captain Price :Gaz, you smell that?

Gaz :Yeah, Kamarov.

Sgt. Kamarov comes out of the bushes, holding his AK-47 Grenadier above his head to signal he's friendly.

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