MW3 - Soap

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Due to the actions of Delta Force in New York, all Russian forces retreat from the entire East Coast.

Overlord :All friendly call-signs - we are no longer on the defensive. I repeat - consolidate and counterattack.

Green Beret :This is ODA Foxtrot! The Russians are disengaging! We've got 'em on their heels!

"Persona Non Grata"
August 17, 2016
Mission 26- 9:51:37
Task Force 141 - Disavowed
Himachal Pradesh, India

The scene changes back to Ghost and the other's. Monitor's Soap's heart rate as images of Loyalist Russians are shown, including Codename: Nikolai.

Price :Beyond the jagged edges of war, there were still Russians who rejected Makarov's lunacy. Men willing to stand against the tide.

Nikolai :Price, we've got vital signs but they're weak. Soap won't last without proper attention.

An image of Soap is shown.

Ghost :He's a hard bastard mate. Trust me, he'll make it.

A radar alarm sounds of incoming hostiles: [Perimeter Breached]

Loyalist :We're picking up inbound signatures.

Nikolai :We've got company.

An image of Vladimir Makarov is shown.

Price :It's Makarov. He's tying up loose ends. Who's your best man?

An image of Yuri is shown.

Nikolai :Yuri. Ex-Spetsnaz. Only man I know who hates Makarov more than you.

Ghost :An ex-spetsnaz huh.

Nikolai :You've probably not meet him before.

The radar tracks hostiles incoming towards the safe house.

Price :Get him. They'll use the ridgeline for cover and fly in from the south.

Nikolai :How do you know?

An image of Captain Price is shown.

Price :It's what I'd do.

The scene goes to a room, where Soap is being treated.

Loyalist 1 (in radio) :Russian attack choppers coming from over the ridge!

Loyalist 2 (in radio) :How many of them?

Loyalist 1 (in radio) :Three Havocs and four - no, five Mi-17s! Commandos fast-roping down!

Loyalist 2 (in radio) :Get a fire team on the roof!

Nikolai :Yuri! Yuri, over here!

Yuri, a Loyalist working with Nikolai. Yuri runs into the room where Captain Price, Nikolai and Ghost are watching the doctor attempting to surgically patch up Soap's wound which got stuck open from Shepherd's knife that stabbed him in Afghanistan. Soap grabs Yuri's shirt and coughs from his wounds.

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