Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Prologue

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Unknown Date, 2012
Mission 14 - 14:20:49
Ukrainian School, Ukraine

After the events at the bridge. Ghost has now fully healed and ready for combat for mission's. As of now, he is on a mission to rescue children from terrorist in ukraine. But it goes south and ends up captured by the russian terrorist.

Ghost :Hmm...

Terrorist 1 :Talk *sshole! Are you all alone or is someone with you!?

Ghost :Go to hell.

He gets punched in the face.

Terrorist 2 :Wrong answer.

Ghost :*chuckles* you're mom is with me.

Terrorist :*pissed*

He gets punched again but in the stomach.

Ghost :Gah...

Terrorist 1 :Answer or i'll put a bullet in you're head next time.

Ghost :hehe... Lemme tell you a little story.

Terrorist 1 :We have no time for stories--

Ghost :Once a soldier in Russia...


A man in a military was tracking down a man name Manuel Roba in a mansion and killed all of them with only a minor scratch. He then kills all other people who dare try to do the same as Roba. The man also known as... Ghost.

Few Moments Later.....
Ukrainian School, Ukraine

Terrorist 2 :...

Terrorist 1 :We've been listening you're story for half an HOUR!

He points his gun at Ghost and was about to pull the trigger, when one of the terrorist stopped him.

Terrorist 1 :What!?

Terrorist 2 :I know that story. I've heard it before.

Terrorist 1 :What the f*ck are you talking about?

Terrorist 2 :The time I was still in the Spetsnaz. I've been told a lot of stories from my comrade's and one of them, is his story.

He looks at Ghost and suddenly fears can be seen under his mask.

Terrorist 2 :It's him, the GHOST!

Terrorist 1 :What the f*ck are you scared about, his just soldier.

Suddenly the other terrorist also in fear.

Terrorist 1 :Why are you all scared of him!?

Terrorist 3 :He's the legend "Ghost"!

Ghost :No... Im the current.

Terrorist :What?

By the time he turns around, Ghost untied himself and proceeds to murder every terrorist in the room.

Few Minutes Later.....

Ghost :Hmm...

Terrorist 2 (scared) :Please have mercy!

Ghost :F*cks like you don't deserve to live.

He then picks up a pistol and shoots him in the head.

Terrorist 2 :WAI- WAIT--

Terrorist 2 :WAI- WAIT--

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Ghost :... (looks around) that's all of them.

He then proceed to take the kids outside the school. Once outside, a helicopter suddenly lands near them and a man in a general like uniform.

 Once outside, a helicopter suddenly lands near them and a man in a general like uniform

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Then he approaches the group and Ghost ask.

Ghost :Are you with the good guys?

Man :In my eyes, yes.

Ghost :Get this kids back to there family.

Man :I will.

The kids was then escorted by some soldiers in to the helicopter. Ghost was about to leave but was stopped by the man.

Man :Son, im here to recruit you.

Ghost :Recruit? Im already mate, so f*ck off mate.

Man :Price is in these.

Ghost :(!)... Is Soap also in?

Man :Yes he is.

Ghost :... Im in.

Cuts To Black.....

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