MW - Death From Above

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"Death From Above"
Mission 5 - 04:20:18
Western Russia
22nd SAS Regiment

Captain Price (using radio) :Wildfire, we're moving up the road towards the town to the east. Confirm you have a visual on us.

The squad move towards on the road and change direction on a fence then they took cover from it and wait.

Ghost :Price we got hostiles approaching on our north.

Gaz :Should we engage, sir?

Captain Price :Negative, will wait for the gunship to fire first.

Then for some time, the gunship a 105mm round on to the enemies and killing them.


Ghost :*whistle* hot damn.

They squad fires at the ones who are still alive and standing up.

Gaz :Enemy by the fields!

AC-130 :(firing 25mm)

Ghost :Damn. Looks like we have to rely on the gunship.

AC-130 :(firing its guns)


*PHEW* 20X

Captain Price :Alright, looks like our path is clear, let's move!

They then move towards the main road while passing a huge church.

Captain Price (using radio) :Wildfire, this is Bravo-Six, be advised, we're passing a large church and continuing towards the main highway! Keep up the fire! Bravo-Six out!

AC-130 Pilot (in radio) :Roger that.

Captain Price :Everyone, towards the main road!

Ghost :Roger that.

AC-130 :(firing 40mm)


Captain Price :Hold here, fire at the enemies on the field.

They fired at the enemies as usual.

Ghost :All clear.

Captain Price :Let's move.

Gaz :Sir, unknown vehicles approaching on the main road.

Captain Price :Do not engage any vehicles from the main road.

Ghost :Their probably civilians.

Captain Price (using radio) :Wildfire, we're going to commandeer civilian transports on the main highway. Cover us!

The vehicles then approach and Ghost goes upfront on them, signaling them to stop .

Ghost (raising arm to stop) :Остановись прямо там! (Stop right there!)

The vehicle's stop in their tracks.

Ghost :(lowers arm) Выйдите из транспортных средств! (Get out of the vehicles!)

The civilians leaves their vehicles and runaway.

Ghost :Sorry, were gonna use you're vehicles okay.

Price's team marks the vehicles with IR strobes. They drive down the highway and make their way out of the town and through the woods to the extraction point.

Captain Price (using radio) :Wildfire, we're marking the vehicles! Confirm you see the beacons!

AC-130 FCO (in radio) :Roger.

The vehicle continue on their drive and suddenly get's their getting from multiple direction. And a bullet hits a window were Ghost was in.

Ghost :(misses) Gah!! F*ck!


Soap :You good mate?

Ghost :Bastard missed me an inch.

Captain Price (using radio) :Wildfire, we're under attack. We could use some help here.


*PHEW* 15X


The AC-130 continues firing on the village. After eliminating hostiles in the village the AC-130 flies over a junkyard where the LZ is ahead. Price's team can be seen exiting the vehicles and moving towards the junkyard.

Ghost :Were near the LZ now.

Captain Price (using radio) :Wildfire, we're approaching the LZ at the junkyard and leaving the vehicles.

AC-130 FCO (in radio) :Roger that Bravo-Six.

Captain Price :Alright let's move team.

Ghost :We got hostiles inbound.

The AC-130 fires down on enemy personnel in the junkyard. As the junkyard is cleared, Price's team can be seen moving towards the LZ.

Captain Price (using radio) :Wildfire, we've reached the LZ, but we're taking fire from all sides! Request fire support on all sides of the LZ, danger close!

Ghost :Soap, on you're right!

Soap :(bang) 3x, Got his *ss!

Ghost :Were getting f*cked here.

*BANG!* 20X

Ghost :Take that *ssholes!

The team moves towards the LZ. Two chinook helicopter's fly in and lands on the LZ.

Captain Price (using radio) :Wildfire, we're moving towards the helicopters now. Thanks for the assist. Bravo-Six out.

Price and his team bring Nikolai to the helicopters. They take off. And the AC-130 also flies off out of western russia.

Ghost :No sh*t mate.

Soap :You got that right mate.

Cuts To Black.....

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