Somebody's Messing With Us (DAIYB)

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Been over a year😩. My bad yall, life been a son of a bitch. Here's something to let yall know I'm still here.

My Season 2, Episode One
Pt. 1

Cookie stared in the mirror with a heavy seated from. She was already regretting this already. She hadn't even left the house yet. She was certainly dragging her feet on purpose. The last thing she wanted to do was go to Lucious for anything. Especially considering all that they were already going through. Let him tell it he was the saint. When that man could be and was anything but a child of God.

Part of her wanted to see him rot. Hell, she did it. Rotted for over a decade in those concrete walls. Trapped with no one and nowhere to go. The son of a bitch deserved it. In all honesty Lucious had been coasting on luck for decades. It was about time something bit him in the ass. She just didnt want to be the object of his ire. Like she already was because he was a dumbass.

"So stupid!" She hissed in the mirror.

Why would she wait all these years to throw him under the bus? He wasnt thinking all because that damn agent had to get her time to shine. Yet Lucious was blaming her. Like he didnt shoot Bunky executioner style. Like he didnt leave the body. Like he didnt know they were on his ass! She wasn't the damn witness. How could she be? She didnt have no real functioning evidence. Lucious was just a dumb nigga being a dumb nigga.

Now he had to go ask the same dumb nigga for help. She fucked up she can admit that. She jumped the gun with Teddy. Also because of a dumb nigga! Lucious knew the types of streets they ran in. Things on your doorstep were never good.

Especially roses!

She felt bad for Jermel. She got him in this mess. In the same breath....she didn't. Jermel owed her for plenty. Call her fucked up but him dying for this didnt settle debts. As unfortunate as it all was. She had tried to fix this. Now she needed help. Sure with enough diligence and counter measures. She could tussle with frank in war a while. The problem was she knew that man. When things didnt go his way he got angry. That psychotic man called it smarts but it was desperation.

She could deal with him wanting her head. She couldn't deal with him wanting the heads of her babies to get to her. So she was going to suck it up. Swallow her pride and go down to the damn penitentiary. At least this time she could leave. Exiting her bathroom she snagged her purse. With a long weighted sigh she slid on sunglasses. She didn't want to look at her m it swing coffee table.

She'd get another one like it, but the simple fact that a severed head sat on it meant it had to go. Calling in a long time favor to dispose of the head for her.  Something Lucious should have done for Bunky except he had burned far too many bridges. She ignored the way her heart clenched at the thought. She'd have rather been ignorant to his demise then knowing. She wasnt gifted that luxury unfortunately.

Carol: I dont know if everyone's gonna last here.

Cookie pursed her lips at the message. They had no choice but to sit. She ordered security to keep them there untill further notice. Webb was head of that. No one was going anywhere. She'd rather deal with pissy family than dead ones.

Pulling up to the Pen she sighed once more. Truthfully coming to the house of your enemy wasn't usually a good idea. However sometimes you had to make risky moves. Even if the moves made your chest feel heavy. Staring at the concrete prison she felt chills. She couldnt have ran out of prison fast enough. The very stench of this place was heavy. So what it wasn't the women's it was a prison all the same.

Going through the visitation process. She noticed a separate visitation form she could sign in on. A pink form with an extended list of rules and needs. She blinked at the words conjugal visitation. Snorting at the knowledge of what that meant. 2 hours of personal time was a luxury. He was in a private prison. The lucky bastard he was. He was probably eating good in this shit hole. He had enough privileged freedom to do a fucking video conference.

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