A problem

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I awoke to my head spinning, struggling to come to as I got up and headed into the dining room for a glass of water or five.

The dining room that was of course occupied by a certain Illyrian who'd followed me around like a puppy most of the evening...or what I could remember of it.

It was early in the morning, he was eating his breakfast dressed up in his plated armour. Good, I'd have the place to myself for the day to sleep off this horrible feeling.

He glanced up at me as I walked in, his eyes trailing me from where I walked in to watch me as I reached for a glass and filled it with crystal clear water.

I gulped down about 3 glasses worth, filling up a fourth to take with me when he spoke. "Last night was bad Ziláa."

"Excuse me?" I cock an eyebrow at him. What exactly was bad about last night, I had fun.

He sighs "You heard me, the drinking thing is getting bad."

I pause for a moment, I couldn't believe he was trying to make out I was some sort of alcoholic for going out last night. "Cauldron forbid a girl has some fun one night, rather controlling behaviour don't you think bat boy?" I quip at him.

He stops eating, putting his cutlery down, a stern look washing over his chiselled face. "I'm not being controlling or saying you can't have fun, it's just when it's every night getting that drunk Ziláa..." he trailed off.

I slam the glass down and snap at him "Okay so cauldron forbid a girl have hobbies?!"

He stands up, pushing his chair back "Drinking isn't a hobby Ziláa it's a problem!"

Crossing my arms over my chest I turn to look out the window rather than at him "I don't care." It came out as a mere mumble.

"You realise I had to carry you to bed last night because you couldn't walk right? And it's not the first time it's happened." Oh eddies

I felt a blush creep it's way up my features. He'd carried me to bed without my permission?!? "What the fuck!" I whirl a pile of shadows at him, he blocks them instantaneously.

I huff and shoot shards of ice at him, he didn't have time to shield them but they bounce off his armour like twigs. I let out a snarl of anger.

"You shouldn't be angry about needing my help to make it to your room safely Ziláa." He starts

"No! I don't need your help! You FREAK!" Yes, insulting him was childish but I didn't need anyone's help, I was quite capable on my own. These night court lot were all so overly doting it made me sick.

He waited a while before replying, calming himself as though he were the king of all maturity. Pig.
"Well if you didn't need my help then maybe you wouldn't have drunk so much, was it a cry for help sunshine?"

He knew that would set me off, I took my glass, stormed down the corridor and slammed myself shut in my room.


I didn't leave my room for 3 days. Mor came knocking twice, Cassian another time, even Rhysand once. I wouldn't let them in though, not when my shadows could sense his lingering behind them. It was only when Amren came knocking, alone, that I let her in.

"Hey Z" I was to greet her with an emotionless face but the nickname caught me off guard.

I knew what this was about "If you've come here to scold me for-"

She put a hand up, stopping me. I found myself not arguing for once. "I've not come here to scold you, what you do with your spare time is none of my business, and shouldn't be any of theirs either." Her face held a look that showed she was dead serious.

"So why are you here?" I query, not bothering to move aside as she pushes past me to come into the room. Invading my personal space, a little too close to the notebook I kept with my resurrection plans for my liking.

She uses a whisp of magic to shut the door, nobody else was in the house at this time but I guess it was to give me the reassurance that no one was listening.

She crosses her arms over her chest, "as I said, I'm not here to scold you and especially not here to judge you, but I wanted to give you a piece of advice that was given to me centuries ago, and has since stuck with me." Even in the darkness of my room her eyes shone a smoky silver. I remained silent.

"Live the life you have but fight for the one you want girl."

"Why would I need advice like that?"

"It takes any person to let past trauma take over their life but it takes a strong person to have the resilience to overcome it."

My defences shoot up. "What makes you think I have past trauma" I scoff, to her distain.

"Nobody drinks to that extent on a daily basis unless they've seen some real horrors, the others may not understand, you hide it well behind a cold demeanour, but I see it beneath that mask." And with that she heads for the door, and before I can open my mouth to swear at her she turns to me once again.

"Just remember what I said girl, take it in stride."

Live the life you have but fight for the one you want.

And with that she was gone, leaving me to my now whirlwind of thoughts.

A Court of Watchful Shadows Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя