Safe and Coddled

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My stomach is filled with butterflies from the quick drops and turns that Azriel makes as he flies. Though the flying is quick it's somehow still smooth.

I look down at where one of his hands rested under my knees. Scars? I'd never noticed that before? Was he under the mountain? Did Amarantha do that?

Like he noticed me looking he quickly shifted is hand slightly so that the scars were out of view. I wiped the expression I had off my face and boredly stated "Rhysand said I had a choice you know."

He looks down at me amused "oh?"

"And I wanted to pick Cassian." I almost see a look of hurt flash across his face but he replaces it with that smirk that was becoming more frequent "well we don't always get what we want sunshine."

I roll my eyes "no, if I did then I'd have winnowed down here myself."

"Oh but I'm sure you love being held so closely by the most handsome Illyrian in all of Prythian." He winks at me.

I didn't say anything, not wanting him to carry on with his ridiculous remarks. "That's what I thought." He counters and flashes a smile as he plummets us down to the ground, causing me to grip his arms tighter in fear of falling.

Once we reach the ground he sets me down gently and I take two steps back eager to regain the distance between us as I brush invisible dirt off.

"I do bathe you know." He watches as I continue to brush myself off.

I retort "Really? I couldn't tell by the stink you carry." Sage and wood.

He strides for me in a flash and picks me up again. I scream. "What are you doing ?? Put me down!"

"I'm taking you back to the house of wind, since you clearly don't want to see the city." His wings spread as he goes to take off.

"No no no!! I'm sorry okay I didn't mean it." I frantically spit out, not wanting to be locked in that huge house in the air again.

"An apology from Ziláa? Shocker!" He mocks as he puts me down again. "I bet that was hard for you to muster up sunshine." He grinned from ear to ear.

I frown at him and grumble "yeah whatever floats your boat bat boy." And begin walking down the street. He follows.

"I don't need a chaperone thanks." I scowl and continue striding forewords.

He scoffs "I'm not chaperoning you I'm just curious to see what you do with your day that's all." Still following me.

I quicken my pace, he does the same in turn "Well it's nothing one of Rhysand's pets would be interested in so why don't you run on home to him."

He said nothing and continued to follow. "Do you even know where you're going Ziláa, you were only in Velaris for half a day before I found you from the wards you'd broken through." He started.

"Yes I know where I'm going" I snap. "It's not my fault this city looks different in the daylight which isn't when I'd choose to go out." I huff and look at the street signs, for anything familiar that may ring a bell.

He looks at me even as I refuse to break concentration. "I prefer the night too, the shadows, it's probably from the gift we share."

"Awh! Should we braid eachother's hair??" I roll my eyes and make for a street that looked somewhat familiar.

He frowns "Why do you insist on closing yourself off from everyone?"

I stop dead in my tracks, folding my arms and raising an eyebrow "coming from the guy who I didn't see once under the mountain, Amarantha do that to your hands?" He faces me, anger boiling behind his eyes.

"No. She didn't. You didn't see me under the mountain because I wasn't there." Not under the mountain? But everyone was under the mountain? Save for a few of the seasonal courts.

"What? So where were you?" I'm beyond confused.


"But...this place is untouched? You were here? Here???" I couldn't believe it. "So whilst the rest of us were suffering under the mountain because of that- that witch! You were here?!" People in the street were beginning to look at us, I didn't care though, this man should be ashamed, cowering away here.

"I didn't have a choice" he gritted his teeth, obviously not happy with the scene I was causing.

"Oh right sure I'll believe that."

"It's true, Rhys bound us- Mor, Amren, Cass and me to the city as Amarantha took over, to keep us safe, don't think for one second I was happy with his decision." He pauses for a moment. "It's not my story to tell, it's Rhys' the things he had to do for almost 50 years to keep us safe, they were atrocious." His face crinkled in disgust.

My face crinkled in turn, though it was anger that I felt consuming my entire being, from the tips of my toes as far up as the crown of my head. "Oh so it's alright for you guys, save for the rest of us!" I throw my arms up and continue down the street, he follows again.

"If wasn't like that-"

"NO!" My shadows whirl at him, the force almost knocking him over had his not countered them.

My boiling rage instantly settles and becomes icy and calm, "no. Don't follow me this time, I mean it, I don't want to associate with people who sit aside and let others suffer whilst they live their lavish lives. Did you enjoy it? Some of us lost everything under the mountain, but you're okay because your precious high lord kept you here safe and coddled."

His nostrils flared, face contorting in anger, "that high lord, gave me an order, I was made to follow it. And that same High lord is the man I'm going to war for very soon, so unless you learn to control those shadows of yours, you'll learn what it's like to be here 'safe and coddled' and I wouldn't dream of shaming you for it." He shoots into the air leaving me standing alone in an empty street.

I was actually glad for his absence, but also left confused. Surely I'd been right in telling him off for staying here? Was I?

And what did he mean a war was coming?

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