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I continued on through the city, somehow managing to find my way back to the Inn that I'd planned on staying in the first night I was here, before that Illyrian wretch ruined my night.

The inn was empty aside from the owner that I'd met on the first night. He was wiping down some of the tables in the tavern on the ground floor when I walked in. He looked up at me with a smile.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Me too.

I cut to the chase, small talk doesn't interest me. "The pack I left in the room, do you still have it?"

"Ah" he exclaims and heads to go behind the counter, picking up my pack from behind it.

"Thanks...erm" I didn't know his name, guess I'll just leave it at that.

"Govlon" he spoke. I raise an eyebrow. "My name," he laughs "it's Govlon, just so you know."

"Well thanks, Govlon." I deadpan. I make for the door and he shouts after me. "What's your name? So that I know for next time I see you." God his cheery manner was grating.

"There won't be a next time, I won't be back." It was true, I'm stuck in that wicked house and can't seem to shake those winged freaks off my trail. I could feel Azriel's shadows following me even now he's left.

He gave a small smile "tell me anyway" I roll my eyes "Ziláa"

"Nice to see you again Ziláa." I don't understand why he's still nice to me when I've been nothing but rude to him. Weird.

"Yeah whatever" I shout back to him as I head out the door, slinging my pack over my shoulder.

As soon as I was out well away from the inn I sat on a nearby perch and checked though what I had in here. Hopefully nothing was stolen.

A dagger, okay good. Money, that was good, I could actually get things I need from the shops here. Some old food that would begin to rot soon, I should probably throw that...

I closed it up, again slinging it over my shoulder and headed for the shops.

The music of the streets filled my ears, the tap of my boots on the cobblestone below seeming to add to the melodies.

I could still feel it though, his shadows creeping around. Of course he wouldn't let me do this alone, even after I'd driven him away with my anger.

I still couldn't believe that he'd stayed here, this entire city untouched by Amarantha.

Unfair. My shadows whispered.

It was unfair. So unfair. The night court practically untouched save for Rhysand who'd been whoring himself out. I guess that was the cost for keeping this place safe. I suppose I would have done the same.....perhaps I was a bit hard on Azriel earlier...

It didn't matter now anyway, what's done is done and I wanted to look through some of the shops. A bit of retail therapy never hurt anyone.

I pass by, window shopping most of the shops and stalls on what was seemingly the high street of this city until I came across it.

I entered immediately, the little bell on the door jingling as I opened it. My eyes burned along with my heart at the sight splayed before me.

Shelves filled with rows and rows of pottery, like Orelia's father's shop. The shop she helped run back in Dawn court. I wandered through the shop, tears that threatened to spill decorating my eyes.

Though they did spill when I came to a section that was based on Dawn court pottery. I sat, staring at the gleaming plate before me, a half sun decorating the main area.

"They're shipped in from the Dawn court" a voice from behind me states. I turn to face a tall slender fae woman, with very long ears to match her long stature, poking out from her silky black hair.

I say nothing and flip the plate over, checking for any markings. A mid sized O decorated the back with 3 lines placed through it. My tears continued to fall as I stared at it. Orelia. These were Orelia's makings, and they were newer designs, she was still helping to run the pottery shop I guess.

The shopkeeper remained quiet, probably due to the fact I was sobbing over a plate.

I break the silence "I'll take three."

I managed to pull myself together again, regaining that tough exterior as I made my way back onto the streets of Velaris.

The shopkeeper had carefully wrapped all 3 plates so that they'd be safe to put in my pack, I was thankful she didn't ask about why I was crying, I didn't feel like speaking about Orelia to anyone, especially not the guilt I'm facing having not seen her after Amarantha. At least from this pottery I know she's alive.

I continued striding down the street, studying the cobblestones beneath me and looked up to find I was on a bridge. The river, I'd forgotten about that.

This city, town, whatever it was had a river running through it, connecting it to the ocean. I couldn't really be bothered to head back into another shop to go and buy something to swim in, and time is of the essence I have no idea how long it'll be until one of those overgrown bats comes to drag me back up to that house.

Suppose I'll just have to swim how I am, I would undress but this body of water is rather public.

I make my way down to a street that seemed to lead to the edge of town, jump the wall and head down to where the small rocks meet the sea, perfect.

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