Story #14

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Everything was so cold. The rocks seemed to grab at us while we were climbing the "unknown mountain" Snow kissed my cheeks, and we saw a flicker of fire in a cottage. Oh! Also my name is YUL and I am traveling with my friend Percy Jackson! About the fire Percy said, "No going into that creepy cottage!" He saw my gaze stuck on the cottage.Percy whispered, " We have something important to do!" He was right, we had this super secret mission to rescue... Oh! I can't tell you! HAHA! Ok.. So... I looked at the tiny little cottage again, and followed Percy to the ice mountain.

The coldness nearly made me freeze to death. The screams of the wind knocked me behind. Percy had to grab my hand so that I wouldn't tumble down the mountain and fall to my death. The air turned thinner and thinner, and our oxygen masks had only a little bit of air left. We knew we had to go down if we wanted to live.

Soon, the oxygen was going away 99...98...97...96..95.... I suggested, "Can we hold our breaths for as long as we can? So that it would save some air?" Percy shrugged, "nah.... Recharge the oxygen masks!" We quickly ran down. Sometimes slipping on ice and sliding down the mountain. We needed to make 1 more kilometer and we only had 50 seconds until our oxygen ran out!

Percy was faster than me. He used his magical power to make the snow in his control. 12...11.... My heart starts to beat. I began to see stars, and I knew I had to go faster! Only 5 seconds left! I could see Percy now! He was recharging his oxygen mask! 2......1.....! Just before the oxygen ran out I reached Percy. I panted and wiped off my sweat. I recharged my oxygen mask so that there would be a lot!

We had to climb the whole 1 kilometer all over again! Well... It was better than dying without oxygen! The sweat on my body turned to ice, but I quickly rubbed some snow so it would melt. A strong blast of wind blasted us into the snow, and I wanted to just stay there until the mountain breaks down. I could feel Percy next to me! A weird thought said something I didn't know, 'youhavetocomeupandthenkeepgoingwithyourmissionrightnoworelseyouwilldie!'

Suddenly, my brain restarted and I jumped up. I saw Percy on the ground. I checked his pulse, nothing, no jumping feeling, nothing! Then, I remembered something about the temples bla bla bla from my training, so I tried and I felt something! I didn't know how to warm him up so... I took off my sweater and rolled him inside. So, I felt colder than ever!! I dragged Percy to a cozy cave and built a tiny fire. Percy finally woke up, and I was so happy I didn't even feel cold!

We ran up the mountain this time. We had this time limit... Only 100 KM left and 20 min left! This was impossible! But Percy did his magic and we floated to the top of the mountain. There they were... They were villagers who were freezing to death! They had this oxygen bubble around them that was rainbow colored and all... Percy yelled, "Come out you coward! Where are you?" I saw something behind Percy. "Duck!" I yelled. Percy ducked. "No a real duck!" I shouted. I saw the evil duck who took control of the good ducks! Now he was trying to take control of the villagers! Percy held the duck tightly and put him in the bag. "QUACK! QUACK!QUACK!" The duck shouted. Percy kicked the bag, "Be quiet or I will throw you down the mountain!" The duck stopped quacking. The villagers were safely teleported by a teleporting machine. Now, all we had to do was to get back to base! Mission accomplished! 

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